Page 205 - IGC BOOK
P. 205


               Forms of, Classification of and Health Risks from Hazardous Substances

                Introduction to Health Risks from Hazardous Substances

                Forms of Chemical Agents                                                                 7-1
                Forms of Biological Agents                                                       7-2
                Acute and Chronic Health Effects                                                 7-3
                Classification of Chemical Hazardous to Health

               Assessment of Health Risks

                Routs of Entry                                                                   7-6
                Defence Mechanism                                                                7-12
                Assessment of Health Risks                                                       7-15
                Product Information                                                              7-15
                Hazardous Substance Monitoring                                                   7-18

               Occupational Exposure Limits

                Occupational Exposure Limits

               Control Measures
                The Need to Prevent or Control Exposure                                          7-29
                Principles of Good Practice                                                      7-30
                The Practical Control of Exposure                                                7-31
                Further Control of Carcinogens, Mutagens and Asthmagens                          7-46

               Specific Agents

                Asbestos                                                                         7-48
                Blood Borne Viruses                                                              7-51
                Carbon Monoxide                                                                  7-52
                Cement                                                                           7-53
                Legionella Bacteria                                                              7-54
                Leptospira Bacteria                                                              7-55
                Silica                                                                           7-56
                Wood Dust                                                                        7-57
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