Page 219 - IGC BOOK
P. 219

Other Defences               •  Team & blinking of eyes, pain, hormones. (Adrenalin
                                                  released. When body stressed).

               Cellular Mechanisms
               The Cells of the body possess their own defence systems.

               Table 2: Defence mechanisms of cells.

                  Scavenging action         A  type  of  white  blood  cell  called  macrophages  attack  invading
                                            particles in order to destroy them and remove them from the body.
                                            This process is known as phagocytosis.
                  Secretion of defensive    Is done by some specialised cells.
                                            Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands during
                                            high stress or exciting situations. This powerful hormone is part of
                                            the  human  body's  acute  stress  response  system,  also  called  the
                                            "fight  or  flight"  response.  It  works  by  stimulating  the  heart  rate,
                                            contracting  blood  vessels,  and  dilating  air  passages,  all  of  which
                                            work to increase blood flow to the muscles and oxygen to the lungs.

                                            Histamine is a chemical in the body that is released when the body
                                            is exposed to an allergen. Allergens may include airborne allergens
                                            (such as pollen and dust mites), certain foods (such as peanuts and
                                            shellfish)  or  insect  venom.  Histamine  is  released  in  an  effort  to
                                            protect  the  body  from  an  allergen;  however,  sometimes  an
                                            overload of histamine can result in life- threatening symptoms.

                  Prevention of excessive  Reduced  circulation  through  blood  clotting  and  coagulation
                  blood loss                prevents  excessive  bleeding  and  slows  or  prevents  the  entry  of

                                            Heparin  is  an  anticoagulant  (blood  thinner)  that  prevents  the
                                            formation of blood clots and is produced naturally in the lungs
                                            and liver.

                  Repair    of   damaged  Is a necessary defence mechanism which includes removal of dead
                  tissues                   cells,  increased  availability  of  defender  cells  and  replacement  of
                                            tissue strength, for example, scar tissue caused by silica.

                 ENSIGN|                                        Unit IG2 – Element 7 – Chemical and Biological   14
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