Page 234 - IGC BOOK
P. 234

• The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) has developed WEELs - (Workplace
                 Environmental Exposure Limits).
               • Local, state or regional governments also set or recommend their own limits.

               As  well  as  these,  the  Occupational  Safety  and  Health  Administration  (OSHA)  enforces
               Department of Labour Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) - which are legal limits in the USA.

               The safe levels of exposure set out above may vary due to different time-measuring periods;
               different measuring criteria (equipment used); different expected airborne concentrations,
               and various other criteria determining the toxicity of a substance.

               The amosite form of asbestos is a good example of how standards differ (this data is provided
               for illustration only and should not be taken as a definitive list of limits).

               • Australia - 1.0 f/ml (fibres per millilitre).
               • Belgium - 2.0 f/ml.
               • Canada - 0.5 f/ml.
               • France - overall asbestos limit of 2.0 f/ml.
               • Germany - overall asbestos limit of 1.0 f/ml.
               • In the UK, the limit for amosite was set at 0.2 f/ml.
               • In the USA, the limit for amosite is set at 0.5 f/ml, with an overall asbestos limit of 2.0 f/ml.

               It is therefore important to be aware of the relevant limits when working internationally, and
               to compare measurements to these exposure limits.

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