Page 337 - IGC BOOK
P. 337

Pedestal Drill


               • Rotating shafts
               • Entanglement – drill bit
               • Flying debris
               • Electricity
               • Impact – unsecured workpiece
               • Hot surface
               • Noise / vibration


               • Ensure the drill bit is secured safely, use correct drill bit for the right job.
               • No loose clothing or loose hair.

               • Provide sufficient power supply, do not overload the fuse, regular inspection, use Reduced
                  voltage system.
               • Sprinkle water to suppress dust, use appropriate masks.
               • Secure workpiece with clamps.
               • Do not touch any part / body of the equipment after use, e.g the drill bit shall be hot.

               • Use suitable PPE including Earmuffs. Job rotation to reduce exposure.

               Agricultural and Horticultural Machinery


               • Cut injury with rotating blades.
               • Entanglement with rotating blades.
               • Drawing in-nip points – drive pulley.
               • Impact – stones or sharp objects
               • Incomplete combustion – exhaust fumes.
               • Noise / Vibration
               • Fire and Explosion
               • Hot Temperature – Sun


               • Fixed guards – rotating blades, drive pulley.
               • Allow engine to cool down before refuelling, refuel in well-ventilated area.
               • Restricted to trained users only.
               • Job rotation to reduce exposure to noise and vibration.
               • PPE – hearing protection, masks, aprons, and safety shoes.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   Unit IG2 – Element 9 – Work   21
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