Page 365 - IGC BOOK
P. 365


               Detectors detects change in the state, this may be either through detection of smoke or heat.

               Smoke Detectors

               • Ionisation

               • Optical
               Ionisation detectors ionize the oxygen and the nitrogen in the air, which causes a small electric current
               in the detector. When smoke enters the chambers, the current is reduced and the alarm sounds.

               Optical detectors have a light source and a photoelectric cell in the detector. Smoke enter the chamber
               either obscures the light between the cell and the source, known as a light obscuration type detector
               or causes the light to reflect on the to the cell, known as light scatter type detector in both the cases
               it causes the alarm to sound.

               Heat Detectors

               • Fixed Temperature

               • Rate of rise
               Heat detectors rely on the principle of  the expansion of solids, liquids or gases to operate. Fixed
               temperature detectors operate when a predetermined temperature has been reached whilst rate of
               rise detectors allow workplace which generate a slow build-up of heat to do so without actuation.
               However, should a sudden increase in temperature occur, as would be found in a fire situation, the
               detector will activate.
               Smoke Detection

               Smoke is usually the first detectable sign of any carbonaceous fire;
               therefore, smoke detectors are most frequently used

               unless there are problems with steam or dust, etc., which may trigger
               false alarms.

               Ionizing detectors operate when smoke enters the detector and it
               absorbs ions, reducing the flow of electrical current. These devices are
               very sensitive to smoke and may be triggered by cigarette smoke and
               dust, etc.

                Light scatter detectors operate when smoke scatters a beam of light.     Smoke Detector

                Obscuration detectors operate when smoke enters the detector
               preventing light from reaching a photoelectric cell.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  20
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