Page 367 - IGC BOOK
P. 367

Fire Alarms

               In most workplaces manually operated break glass switches automatically operate the alarm when
               the glass is broken. Such alarm points are located at a convenient position so that no person needs
               to travel more than 30m to reach one.
               In public buildings operating the manual break glass may not initially operate the alarms. This allows
               the occupier to swiftly investigate whether there is a fire situation and prepare trained personnel to
               assist the evacuation.

                Tannoy systems with pre-recorded messages have been found to be more effective in public

               In small premises such as a small office or shop a manually operated bell or even simply shouting
               might be adequate to raise the alarm. In most work premises however, electric bells, sounders or a
               Tannoy system would be required so that they are clearly audible in all parts of the building.
               Provision should be made for employees with hearing difficulties by means of flashing lights, etc.

               Fire / smoke detectors are often linked to automatic alarms. In medium or large buildings, the alarm
               and detection systems may be linked to a control panel, which will indicate the zone in which the
               alarm was raised.

               Alarms can be linked to door releases (i.e. self-closing fire doors normally held open by electro-

               Testing the Alarm

               The alarm should be sounded periodically (weekly) at the same time so that employees become
               familiar with its sound. Alarm systems should also be inspected, maintained and tested at regular
               intervals, with a record of the tests kept.

               Contact with Emergency Services

               The emergency fire / rescue services should be contacted at the earliest opportunity; this can be
               achieved automatically from a link from the fire alarm or manually by telephone.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  22
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