Page 405 - IGC BOOK
P. 405

Records of inspection and testing

               Records must be maintained for the electrical equipment, including the testing carried out, these
               records can be used as a management tool for monitoring the effectiveness of the maintenance
               The records can include faults found during inspection, which may be a useful indicator of places
               of use or types of equipment subject to a higher than average level of wear or damage. This will
               help monitor whether suitable equipment has been selected and highlights the trends in damage
               to the safety of the equipment.

               Labels can indicate that the equipment tested is satisfactory, the equipment passed the test and
               safe to use, the date of next test due.

               Advantages and Limitations of Portable Appliance Testing

                                Advantages                                 Disadvantages

                •   Detects faults not visible to eyes.      •   Proof of Safety only at one time

                •   Early detection / remove of faulty       •   Items missed and remain untested
                                                             •   Does not prevent misuse of equipment.
                •   Complying with legal requirements.
                                                             •   Cannot be used to test certain type of
                •   Reduce accidents                             equipment.

                 ENSIGN |                                                 Unit IG2 – Element 11 – Electricity  16
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