Page 401 - IGC BOOK
P. 401


               The electrical work must be carried by proving the system is dead, this is done by isolating the
               supply of power to the equipment. Isolation is done to:

                   •   Break the circuit
                   •   Physically securing the isolation.
                   •   Using label or tag.

               For example, switching off the power supply to an equipment, then using a Lock out system –
               pad lock to secure the isolation, and displaying a tag with details of the worker and the nature of

               Locating Buried Services

               Striking buried services can be avoided with the use of SSoW, in addition with cable avoidance

               • Obtain necessary information about the underground services, arrange copies of plan,
                  however plans alone are not sufficient to identify and locate
                  services before starting work, it gives basic information about
                  the presence of underground services.
               • Prior to start the work the position of buried services should
                  be pinpointed using locating device – Cable Avoidance Tool e.g.
                  Hum detectors detects the electromagnetic field radiated by
                  live electricity cables.
               • Once detected the work should be carried out carefully digging
                  by hand tools. (spades & shovels).

               • The located underground services should be clearly labelled
                  for easy visibility, consideration must be given to supporting
                  the cables beneath.

               Work Near Overhead Power Line

               Overhead power lines are bare and uninsulated which has potential to arc if any conductor is
               found close to the proximity. Prevention can be achieved by:

               • Isolate power supply when working near overhead
                  power lines, if practically not then sleeve low voltage
                  power lines.
               • Use SSoW and PTW to control access to the proximity.

               • Use sign boards, barriers, and goal posts to ensure
                  plant and vehicles maintain a safe distance.

               • Use banksmen to control manoeuvring.
               • Use non-conducting work equipment – wooden ladder
                  or fibre ladders.

                 ENSIGN |                                                 Unit IG2 – Element 11 – Electricity  12
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