Page 397 - IGC BOOK
P. 397

• Extreme Temperature and pressure from machineries.

               • Corrosive environment – chemical spill on the floor e.g. acids.
               • Flammable atmosphere – presence of flammable substances such as vapours, dusts or gas.
               • Contamination – caused by oils or debris.

               The equipment must be robust and suitable for the environment to prevent foreseeable
               mechanical damage. Cables protect against metal sheets in a heavy industry, or overheated
               when running over the machinery, movement of vehicles over the cables causes abrasion.
               Cables must be protected by rerouting away from environmental hazards or by armouring the

               Protective Systems - Advantages and Disadvantages


               A fuse is an electric / electronic or mechanical device,
               which is used to protect circuits from over current. A fuse
               melts or break the circuit whenever there is heat
               generated by the overcurrent. It disconnects the power
               supply to the equipment to make the equipment safe. It is
               important to ensure the correct fuse is used for the

                 A Printer requires 8 amp will be protected by a 10 amps fuse; hence it melts at overload
                 current than 10 amps and protect the printer.

                                Advantages                                 Disadvantages
                 • Cheap                                      • Does not protect people from electrocution

                 • Easy to replace                            • Slow operative

                 • Protect electrical equipment               • Easy  to  bypass  –  replace  incorrect  rated

                 ENSIGN |                                                 Unit IG2 – Element 11 – Electricity  8
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