Page 393 - IGC BOOK
P. 393


               Electricity can jump, or arc, across small gaps between two
               conductors,  the  possibility  is  limited  with  low-voltage
               electrical equipment. But high voltage can arc across an air
               gap,  causing  shock  or  burn  without  touching  live  voltage
               parts. High voltage power lines can arc even 10 metres.

               Risks associated with arcing:

               • Electric shock
               • Direct and indirect burns from the heat generated by arc.
               • Ultraviolet radiation can cause damage to eyes.
               • Fire and explosion – overheat electrical equipment.

               Fires and Explosion

               Electricity may start fires in various ways.

               The major causes are:
               • overheating of cables and electrical equipment because of overloading of conductors.

               • leakage currents because of poor or inadequate insulation.
               • overheating  of  flammable  materials  placed  too  close  to  electrical  equipment,  which  is
                  otherwise operating normally.

               • the ignition of flammable materials by arcing or sparking of electrical equipment.

               Static Electricity

               Produced when two substances are rubbed together or separated. The substances can be solid
               or fluid. The rubbing or separating causes the transmission of electrons from one substance to
               another. As a result of this one substance being positively charged and the other substance
               being negatively charged. When either substance comes in contact with a conductor, an
               electrical current flow until it is at the same electrical potential as ground. This is referred to as
               electrostatic discharge(esD).

               Secondary Hazards and Risks

               As  a  result  of  electric  shock  people  may  fall  from
               height, when electricity flow through body it creates
               muscular spasm, as this may be severe affects leg
               muscles  causing  body  being  thrown  away  several

                 ENSIGN |                                                 Unit IG2 – Element 11 – Electricity  4
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