Page 395 - IGC BOOK
P. 395

Contact with Underground Power Cables

               High voltage power cables are also buried under the ground, during excavation or manual
               digging the tools or sharp object may penetrate insulated cables, or when cable is damaged by
               an excavator. Because of this, it causes explosive effects of arcing current and associated fire or
               flames. Typically, this causes severe fatal burns to the hands, face, and body. Electrical fires can
               be catastrophic if damage spreads to other nearby services such as gas pipes.

               Work on Main Electricity Supplies

               Workplace have 230 V power supply – single phase and 400 V – three phase, alternating current
               has potential to cause severe injury or fatal due to higher voltage supply.

                 ENSIGN |                                                 Unit IG2 – Element 11 – Electricity  6
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