Page 398 - IGC BOOK
P. 398


               Earthing  is  the  method  of  transmitting  the
               instant  electricity  discharge  directly  to  the
               ground through low resistance conductors.
               The process of earthing is in case of short
               circuit, the conductor removes the overflow of
               current and allow the current to flow to the
               earth. If the earthing is not done correctly,
               then protection won’t be possible.

               All the equipment doesn’t require earthing,
               equipment may be protected with other
               means such as double insulation (discussed

                                Advantages                                 Disadvantages
                 • Protect people from electric shock         • If earthing disconnected, then no
                 • Easily identified                             protection.
                                                              • Requires installation, testing and


               Disconnecting  the  electrical  equipment  from  the  power
               sources is called as isolation, this can be achieved by turning
               off the equipment first then using a safety locks or pad locks
               having a unique key or combination. Padlocks are used where
               more  than  one  electrical  work  is  carried  out  on  the  same

                The  maintenance  person  can  place  their  own  padlock  on
               multiple locking hasp, hence the circuit cannot be re-energised
               until all the padlocks are removed. Notices can be placed along
               with locks, so that everyone is aware of the work being carried

               For example – caution notices. Lockout –Tagout
                                Advantages                                 Disadvantages
                 • Eliminates the supply of electricity through  • Difficult to find live faults
                                                              • May isolate sequence of machines

                 ENSIGN |                                                 Unit IG2 – Element 11 – Electricity  9
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