Page 90 - IGC BOOK
P. 90

Managing the Impact of Change

               Risk Assessment

               Risk assessment must be carried out considering the hazards associated with temporary works
               and its effect on the existing workplace. Consideration must be given to all of the people who
               might be affected by the hazards with special consideration given to vulnerable groups such as
               pregnant women, children, the elderly, physically challenged, etc.

               It is the employer’s duty to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for the work
               activity. This duty would, therefore, fall to any contractor involved in the work activity but would
               also fall to any employer occupying a workplace where the work was taking place.

               Communication and Co-operation

               Effective communication and co-operation between the all parties undertaking the work and all
               those affected by the work are important. Effective communication can be achieved by proper
               planning of the temporary works. Information on the hazards and risks present in the existing
               workplace and created by the temporary works must be shared between all the parties. In this
               way, the employer in control of the existing workplace can anticipate foreseeable risks to their
               employees created by the works.

               This communication and co-operation are best achieved by pre-work organizing meetings
               including all the parties.  Such meetings are best conducted at the works site in order to foresee
               site-specific issues.

               Appointment of Competent People

               All of the workers involved in temporary works must be competent. This includes not only the
               workers involved in the work itself but also those involved in the management of the work.
               Competent includes KATE – Knowledge, Ability, Training and Experience and to be able to carry
               out their task safely.


               The temporary work area must be segregated from the existing workplace

               This can be achieved by the use of physical barriers and signage. Access points to the temporary
               work site must be controlled to prevent unauthorized access. Signage may need to be used at
               these access points to indicate additional rules that may apply within the work area (such as the
               use of PPE).

               Segregation is required to prevent unauthorized people to have access into the areas where the
               temporary works are carried out. This might include employees of the workplace where the work
               is taking place, customers and members of the public who want to pass through the work area.
               Segregation is also necessary to protect the worker engaging in the temporary works from other
               routine work activities taking place in their vicinity, such as workplace vehicle movements.

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