Page 11 - MSCC Newsletter
P. 11

Club Contacts

           Gordon McRobbie                   Small Torque
       I’ve  always  wanted  to  send  your  Newsletter  in  digital
                                   format and that’s from someone who has worked with
             Competition           print for over 40 years! Yes I’ve missed the smell of the
              Secretary            ink but I didn’t miss the sticking of the address labels or
            Marion Hopkins         the stamps let alone getting them all to the post office
                                   for posting. Part of my resistance is knowing that there
                email              are still a few members who don’t have email and then

                                   there are a lot of us who just like the idea of holding the
            Club Secretary         printed page but hopefully they do have access to the
             Barry Holmes          internet and possibly a printer to print it themselves! I
                                   have tried to make your experience as close to the real
                email              thing as possible by trailing a page turning software, the
        only problem is the imprint appears in the middle of the
                                   page, but if we continue on this format one mailing of
              Treasurer            stamps would cover the cost of buying the software and
             Ros Cooper            remove the imprint.

                email              In fact a digital edition could become more regular than
          the current quarterly printed editions, on one condition,
                                   I need contributions or it would end up being a personal
         Membership Secretary      blog and me digging up more retro car brochures!
             Derek House
                                   On a more serious note I hope everyone is keeping safe
                email              at home and that you have stock piled enough of the
        things that will keep you busy for the next few months.
                                   Having spent a lot of time recently on the Van! (there’s a
              Newsletter           story there) I reckoned that this would be an ideal time to
              John Miller          finish the Fidget dust down the B get the garden sorted
                                   and clear out years of junk which has accumulated in the
                email              garage but to clear the junk I need     access to the local dump,

          and yes, its closed ! ! ! !
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