Page 9 - MSCC Newsletter
P. 9

What started all this nonsense?

       I blame my father; We had an  into a phone call. Fraser an- club  events,  at  Doune  and
       MGB  until  as  teenagers  my  swered  –  haven’t  I  met  you  Bo’ness.
       sister  and  I  grew  too  big  to  before? New member? Inevi- Nothing  makes  me  smile
       fit in the back. He introduced  tably the car ended up in my  more  than  lifting  the  garage
       me to this eccentric sport at  garage. As with euphoria of a  door and seeing the little red
       Bo’ness and I knew from the  brand-new baby, once home  car sitting there getting ready
       moment  I  stepped  into  the  I was left wondering what the  for  this  year’s  adventures.
       paddock  I  wanted  to  give  hell to do with it now?  I hadn’t  With a superb job from Fra-
       it  a  go.  Perhaps  it  was  that  a clue (either scenario) but at  ser and Arthur the rear wings,
       chat  I  had  with  Shona  and  least, unlike offspring I could  inner  and  outer  have  been
       Jamie at Doune, but I didn’t  shut the garage door and get  replaced,  she  is  lower,  and
       need  much  persuading  to  a good night’s kip. And the up  James and I are now refitting
       come and help out with some  side of my growing offspring  the  interior  and  sorting  out
       PCT’s at Forrestburn. I found  is  their  born  ability  as  engi- the brakes, putting her back
       myself  watching  cars  on  e- neers  –  what  could  possibly  together again. And this year
       bay. Telling myself I was ok;  go wrong?         I intend to compete, my entry
       I  was  only  watching.  Midget                  is  in  for  Bo’ness  and  I  want
       or Mazda? I was on a shoe- And that’s the benefit of be- to drive a day of both of the
       string. I needed cheap, easy  ing part of a community – the  club  events.  There.  Said  it
       to fix fun. Ultimately it was the  advice and support I have re- out loud. No backing down.
       simple  ending  of  one  word  ceived from you lot has made
       that tipped the balance in fa- this all possible. Above all its  And there is one simple rea-
       vour  of  the  former;  electrics  been  a  massive  amount  of  son why I have to do this now
       v electronics. Black to black,  fun. Winning the ladies award  – I only have three years be-
       red to red, blue to bits – that’s  this year was a huge surprise,  fore James is old enough to
       my level.               having only competed twice. I  join me in competition; there
                               didn’t realise marshalling tot- is no way on earth he would
       The car had to be a runner,  ted up the points. It is a great  ever stand the indignity of be-
       had to be in Scotland. I saw  way of encouraging participa- ing beaten by his mother.
       one,  1977,  rubber  bumper.  tion; last season James and I
       Then  the  watching  turned  had  a  blast  helping  out  with   By Sarah Shephard
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