Page 4 - MSCC Newsletter
P. 4

media platform to share
                                                        images  and  stories  of
                                                        memorable  trips  with
                                                        your historic vehicles or
                                                        indeed, what you might
                                                        be working on within the
                                                        ‘self – isolation’ of your
                                                        garage or shed.
                                                        The  FBHVC  are  ask-
                                                        ing  for  all  enthusiasts
                                                        to  share  pictures  using
       Federation  of  British  nationwide  social  me- the  hashtag  #Driveit-
       Historic  Vehicle  Clubs  dia campaign to spread  DayMemories.
       updated  statement  on  positivity around historic  Post your picture on to
       Drive it Day 2020.      vehicles during this dif- the  FBHVC  social  me-
       The  FBHVC  is  com- ficult time.                dia  feeds  or  those  of
       mitted  to  following  the  Currently,   UK   gov- your member clubs. We
       latest  UK  Government  ernment  are  advising  will be monitoring those
       advice  on  events  and  against all non-essential  social  feeds and  public
       public  gatherings  per- social contact. Our cur- posts published with the
       tinent  to  our  member  rent  general  guidance  #DriveitDayMemories
       clubs  and  as  such,  the  to  car  clubs,  that  can  hashtag  will  be  gath-
       following  statement  re- be  found  on  our  web- ered  onto  a  special
       places all previous cor- site,  area within the FBHVC
       respondence  regarding  encourages the cancel- website galleries in  the
       National  Drive  it  Day  lation  or  postponement  future.
       during  this  fast-moving  of  meets,  events  and  As  previously  stated,
       situation.              gatherings  of  people.  with  such  a  crowded
       In  response  to  the  up- Additional  advice  has  event   calendar,   the
       dated guidance and re- now  placed  restrictions  possibility  of  achieving
       strictions  issued  by  UK  on  non-essential  travel  consensus for a revised
       Government, the Feder- of any kind.              Drive it Day date later in
       ation  recommends  that  However,   enthusiasts  the year will be virtually
       all activities that involve  of  historic  vehicles  are  impossible.  Therefore,
       taking a historic vehicle  still encouraged to par- Drive  it  Day  2020  will
       out on the road specifi- ticipate on 26 April 2020  not be re-scheduled for
       cally  for  the  purposes  in the mass sharing, via  later  this  year,  but  will
       of Drive it Day, now be  social media, of images  resume  its  normal  for-
       abandoned.    All  enthu- and memories of them- mat on 25 April 2021.
       siasts are now urged to  selves and their families  For the latest advice for
       stay at home on 26 April  out  and  about  in  their  car  clubs,  events  and
       2020 and not partake in  historic  vehicles  during  other news – keep up to
       any non-essential travel  a previous year’s Drive  date via the Federation
       for Drive it Day and in- it Day.                 news pages at www.fb-
       stead, get involved in a  Use your chosen social .
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