Page 5 - MSCC Newsletter
P. 5

on the frontline of help-
                                                         ing  the  nation  combat
                                                         COVID19 are able to do
                                                         “Allowing  this  tempo-
                                                         rary exemption from ve-
                                                         hicle testing will enable
                                                         vital  services  such  as
                                                         deliveries  to  continue,
                                                         frontline workers  to  get
                                                         to  work,  and  people  to
                                                         get  essential  food  and
                     MoT exemption                       “Safety is key, which is
          in battle against coronavirus                  why garages will remain
                                                         open for essential repair
       Vehicle  owners  to  be  work  where  this  abso-  work.”
       granted MoT exemption  lutely  cannot  be  done  Legislation will be intro-
       in battle against corona- from home, or shop for  duced on March 30 and
       virus                   necessities.              will  come  into  immedi-
                               All  cars,  vans  and  mo-  ate effect for 12 months,
       Temporary  exemption  torcycles  which  usually  following a short consul-
       will enable vital services  would  require  an  MOT  tation  with  key  organi-
       to  continue,  frontline  test  will  be  exempted  sations. Drivers will still
       workers to get to work,  from needing a test from  need  to  get  their  vehi-
       and  people  to  get  es- 30  March  2020.  Vehi-  cle tested until the new
       sential  food  and  medi- cles  must  be  kept  in  a  regulations  come  into
       cine.                   roadworthy    condition,  place,  if  they  need  to
                               and garages will remain  use it.
       • cars, motorcycles and  open  for  essential  re-  If you can’t get an MoT
       vans to be granted MoT  pair  work.  Drivers  can  that’s   due   because
       exemption               be prosecuted if driving  you’re  in  self-isolation,
                               unsafe vehicles.          the   Department     for
       •  this  will  allow  people  You  must  ensure  your  Transport  is  working
       to carry on with essen- vehicle  is  kept  in  good  with  insurers  and  the
       tial travel             condition.                police to ensure people
                               People  should  stay  at  aren’t  not  unfairly  pe-
       • vehicles must be kept  home  and  avoid  travel.  nalised for things out of
       in roadworthy condition The  only  reasons  peo-  their control.
                               ple  should  leave  their  Practical  driving  tests
       Vehicle   owners    will  homes is set out in the  and   annual    testing
       be  granted  a  6-month  government guidance.     for  lorries,  buses  and
       exemption  from  MOT  Transport       Secretary  coaches  have  been
       testing,  enabling  them  Grant Shapps said:      suspended  for  up  to  3
       to  continue  to  travel  to  “We must ensure those  months.
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