Page 20 - Farm Bureau Health Plans Annal Report 2020
P. 20

Farm Bureau Health Plans


     Farm Bureau Health Plans’ recognition as an
     industry leader has led Farm Bureau organizations                 “Working with Farm Bureau Health Plans allowed us to
                                                                                Insured By Members Health Insurance Company
     across the U.S. to seek FBHP’s expertise and                      deliver on our promise of creating real value in a Kansas
     partnership as they look to provide similar health                Farm Bureau membership.  We now have plans in place
     coverage alternatives for their membership.                       in all 105 counties of Kansas and regularly hear from
                                                                       members who share positive stories about the plans, the
     In  2019, Kansas  Farm Bureau (KFB) got  the ball                 service, and our ability to provide high quality coverage
                                                                       and significant savings, sometimes as much as 60
     rolling with the creation of  Kansas Farm Bureau                  percent better compared to their previous carrier.  We
     Health Plans – a new health coverage company                      look forward to expanding the reach and impact, and to
     under the KFB umbrella utilizing the unique                       continuing the trend of much-needed savings for our
     business  model  created by  Farm Bureau  Health
     Plans.                                                                                             Richard Felts, President
                                                                                                            Kansas Farm Bureau
     Since then, Farm Bureau Health Plans has been
     instrumental in the creation and 2020 launch of two
     additional Farm Bureau-anchored health coverage                   “We’re excited to be approaching the end of our first year
                                                                       in business.  Today we cover well over 6,000 lives, approve
     initiatives: Farm Bureau Health Plans of Michigan                 over 87 percent of applicants and have delivered on our
     and Indiana Farm Bureau Health Plans.                             goal to partner with Farm Bureau agents and families to
                                                                       improve their access to care through growing networks
     With the successful launch of these new Farm                      and superior service and claims. We simply wouldn’t be
     Bureau health coverage efforts under its belt since               where we are without the expertise offered by our friends
                                                                       and partners at Farm Bureau Health Plans.  And as good
     2019, FBHP continues to increase the size of its                  as the first year has been, we’re even more excited about
     footprint.                                                        what the future will bring!”

     As a final note on this exciting new chapter in our                                Terry Holdren, Chief Executive Officer
     company’s growth, the development of these new                                                         Kansas Farm Bureau
     Farm  Bureau  relationships  wouldn’t  be  possible
     without the expertise and support provided by
     one of Farm Bureau Health Plans’ key partners,
     UnitedHealthcare, and its claims processing
     subsidiary, UMR.
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