Page 21 - 2019 Annual Report_Classical
P. 21

Inmate Ratio                                Jail Bookings/Intake

                                                   There were a total of 6,832 bookings in 2019, and average of
                                                     18.76 bookings per day. The jails average daily population
                                                     was 403 inmates, and average length of stay was 28 days.

                                                              Maine PreTrial Services

         Maine Pretrial Services, Inc is a private non profit agency committed to providing pretrial services, post
          convictions alternatives, and diversion options throughout the State of Maine. The organization works
          closely with Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office to save approximately 109,700 Bed Days through the
                                                                     653 people supervised by Maine Pretrial.

                                           Deferred               Post-     Community
                                          Dispositions         Convictions Bail  Confinement
                                            15.47%                0.61%      0.15%


                                      Armor Correctional Health Services

         Armor Correctional Health Services provides comprehensive medical, dental and mental health services
           to patients in the Cumberland County Jail. Armor Correctional Health Services had 522 medical clinic

           With the start of the Medical Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program at the beginning of September 2019,
                   there was 45 total participants, an average of 10 participants daily, accounting for 1394 doses.

                There was a total of  five suicide attempts in 2019, and zero suicides in 2019. The Mental Health
                     workers treated 562 inmates in 2019 with $26,918 being spent on psychotropic medication.

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