Page 6 - Kalzhanova A
P. 6



                                        5                 4              3                  2

              Vocabulary  Uses a varied                Uses a          Uses        The vocabulary
                                    of new             varied       vocabula            was not

                                vocabulary to  vocabulary               ry          inappropriate.

                                 demonstrate           for the      appropria

                                critical skills.       topic.       te for the

               Structure         All grammar            Most            All            Grammar

                                   structures        grammar  grammar  structures were

                                 were clearly        structures  structures  not clearly tied to

                                   tied to an           were           were          an opinion.
                                 opinion and  clearly tied  clearly to

                                 present in a           to an           an

                                     tight.           opinion        opinion

                                                         and         but the
                                                     organized  informati

                                                     in a tight.     on was

                                                                    not clear.

               Speaking         Speaks clearly        Speaks         Speaks         Often can  not

                                and distinctly  clearly and  clearly               be understood.
                                  all the time       distinctly        and

                                                       all the      distinctly

                                                        time.        most of
                                                                    the time.
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