P. 84

ANNEX I: Field Office Administration

               The following administrative tasks are completed during close-out:
                   •  Send notification letters to landlords
                          o  Secondary project offices
                          o  Primary project office
                   •  Send notification letters to vendors
                          o  Office material, machines, furniture leases
                          o  Office equipment leases
                   •  Notification of transfer of equipment
                          o  Recipients

               Project Staff Residences
               Residential leases, whether paid directly by the field office/project or by an expatriate staff member,
               will also be terminated by the end of the project.  As with the office lease, the residential lease is
               generally developed to coincide with the project end date.  If, however, the project is extended or
               closed early, termination letters will be sent as soon as possible to the respective landlords.

               In the case of either a field office/project or expatriate staff member handling the termination of a
               residential lease, they are responsible for:
                    •  Notifying the landlords of the intent to terminate the lease agreement in accordance with
                        the protocol indicated in the lease agreement
                    •  Handling the arrangements for lease termination, including property transfer of the site and
                        all goods acquired via the lease agreement
                    •  Arranging for the packing and shipping of office/household effects prior to property transfer
                        to the landlord
               Demobilization of Expatriate Staff
               Demobilization of expatriate personnel can be a time-consuming and complex task, particularly when
               there are expatriate staff affiliated with a field office/project.   Pre-planning with each individual shall
               allow ample time for discussion and final decisions concerning  travel repatriation plans and
               continuation of human resources benefits, as desired.  The HR Manager will review the employment
               termination of services process with expatriate staff during this time.  In addition, the PM will converse
               with the expatriate staff to help them plan their next steps, whether with Vysnova or with other
               prospective organizations, for future employment opportunities.

                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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