P. 91

ANNEX K: Glossary

                                        Project planning is usually the longest phase of the project management
                                        life cycle. It involves determining cost, schedule, and scope baselines and
                                        using these to create a detailed roadmap for executing project activities
                 Project planning       and producing deliverables.
                                        Broadly, a Stakeholder is any party which may be affected by a project. In
                                        project management, the term usually refers to parties with an interest in
                 Project stakeholders   the successful completion of a project.
                                        Each year the Controller establishes Indirect Rates called Provisional Rates
                                        that are approved by DCAA and administrated by DCMA to bill customers.
                 Provisional Rates:     These consist of Fringe, Overhead, and G&A.  The rates never stay consistent
                                        each year but adjust depending on work awarded and cost charged to the
                                        In project management, quality is a measure of a deliverable’s degree of
                                        excellence. Quality may also refer to a clearly defined set of stakeholder
                 Quality                requirements by which results are assessed.
                                        A set of practices designed to monitor processes and provide confidence
                                        that result in deliverables meeting quality expectations. It may involve
                 Quality assurance      quality audits and the stipulated use of best practices.
                                        The use of standardized practices to ensure that deliverables meet
                                        stakeholder expectations. It involves not only the definition and
                                        identification of unacceptable results but also the management of
                 Quality control        processes to optimize results.
                                        A set of stipulations regarding project deliverables. They are a key element
                                        of the project scope and explain in detail the stakeholders’ expectations
                 Requirements           for a project.
                                        An activity that involves identifying possible risks to a project and
                 Risk assessment        examining how these risks, if they occur, would affect objectives.
                                        Risk avoidance focuses on avoiding threats that can harm an organization,
                                        its projects, or assets. Unlike risk management, which is geared toward
                                        mitigating the impact of a negative event, risk avoidance seeks to address
                 Risk avoidance         vulnerabilities and make sure those events do not occur.
                                        A subset of management strategies that deals with identifying and
                                        assessing risks and acting to reduce the likelihood or impact of negative
                                        risks. Risk managers seek to ensure that negative risks do not affect
                 Risk management        organizational or project objectives.
                                        Risk mitigation involves decreasing the probability of a negative risk
                                        occurring, as well as protecting project objectives from a negative risk’s
                 Risk mitigation        impact.
                                        A risk owner is responsible for determining and enacting appropriate
                 Risk owner             responses to a specific type of risk.
                                        Risk transference involves handing ownership of risk to a third party who is
                                        typically specialized and better able to address the risk or to withstand its
                 Risk transference      impact.
                                        A comprehensive list of project activities and milestones in logical order,
                 Schedule               with start and finish dates for each component.
                                        The scope of a project constitutes everything it is supposed to accomplish
                 Scope                  to be deemed successful.
                 SF 1420                standard form: biographical data sheet

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