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             Selected by Jostens Customer Service and Creative Design teams, the Jostens Print Innovation Awards celebrate
             the art and craft of yearbook cover design. This prestigious recognition is for yearbook staffs who demonstrate
             excellence in design, creativity and innovation using unique cover applications and techniques.

             SUB TURRI, 2023           LIBER BRUNENSIS, 2022     CORNELLIAN, 2023           AEGIS, 2022               WINNERS
             Boston College, MA        Brown University, RI      Cornell University, NY     Dartmouth College, NH
             Custom Litho, Grit Lamination,   Custom Embossed, Brook Natural   Custom Screened, Firefly Natural   Custom Embossed, Hunter
             ShineFX                   Premium Material, Olympic Gold   Premium Material, White   Green Custom Material, Mission
                                       Standard Foil, Cream Silkscreen,    Silkscreen, Burnishing  Grain, Copper and Rich Gold
                                       Burnishing                                           Silkscreens, Black Overtone Rub

             HARVARD 387, 2023         LA VIE, 2022              CENTURION, 2023            QUAD, 2022
             Harvard University, MA    The Pennsylvania State    South Windsor HS, CT       Stanford University, CA
             Custom Embossed, Slate Earthstone   University, PA  Custom Litho, Holographic   Custom Embossed, Super Matte
             Custom Material, Levant Custom   Custom Embossed, Stone White   Lamination, Custom Process Color,   Lamination, Levant Grain, Custom
             Cutout Grain, Olympic Gold Standard   Arlington Premium Material, Custom   ShineFX  Process Color, Metallic Gold
             Foil, Black, Cream and Custom Color   Process Color                            Premium Press Ink, UV Coating
             Silkscreens, Black Overtone Rub

             POLARIS, 2022             HOWITZER, 2022            LUCKY BAG, 2022            YALE BANNER, 2022
             United States Air Force   United States Military    United States Naval        Yale College, CT
             Academy, CO               Academy, NY               Academy, MD                Custom Embossed, Stone White
             Custom Embossed, Stone White   Custom Embossed, Basin Street   Custom Embossed, Pearl Fabrikoid   Arlington Premium Material,
             Arlington Premium Material,   Fabrikoid Material, Mission Grain,   Custom Material, Linen Grain,   Custom Process Color
             Custom Process Color, Red   Silkscreens, Black Overtone Rub,   Olympic Gold Standard Foil, Pale            309
             Standard Foil             Black, Pale Gold, Rich Gold and   Gold Silkscreen, Black Overtone Rub
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