Page 334 - 2024 Look Book
P. 334
Parkman, Elliot ..................................... 224 R Rosenberger, Craig ............... 36, 88, 156, 122–124, 131–132, 137–140,
Parker, Dan ............................................ 175
166, 220, 231
145, 150, 152–153, 163, 170, 172,
Parker, Laura ......................... 52, 115, 171
175, 177, 179, 185, 187, 193–194,
Rosenthal, Ana ........................................ 32
Parker, Steffen ....................................... 274
198–200, 208, 215, 221, 224–225,
Rosman Middle/High School, NC .... 233
Parkinson, Tylan ............................ 167, 319
235–236, 238
Ross, Melody ....................................... 233
Parkview Arts Science Magnet High Ross, Carl ............................................. 202 Sheldon High School, CA ................... 188
Shepherd, Lindsay ...................... 142, 146
School, AR ...................................... 147 R–S Central High School, NC ............ 155 Ross, Suzanne ........... 118, 125, 152, 190, Shibata, Lauren ..................................... 133
Pasant, Aubrey ...................................... 198 R.C. Palmer Secondary School, BC ... 299 236–237 Shields, Tom ............................................ 44
Pascagoula High School, MS ............ 228 R.W. Johnson High School, GA .......... 117 Round Rock High School, TX ................ 62, Shirley, Clarissa .................................... 153
Patrick, David .............. 93, 145, 157, 208 Radchenko, Becky ................................ 108 Mini–Mag 12, 306–307 Shirley, Tessa ........................................ 193
Patterson Mill High School, MD ......... 147 Ragains, Suzanne ................................. 108 Rowlett High School, TX ....................... 105 Shivela Middle School, CA ................. 139
Paulson, Clara .................... 129, 290, 319 Rainwater, Holland ................. 82–83, 319 Roxana High School, IL ....................... 231 Shook, Kimberly .............. 86, 93, 96, 107
Peace, Garrett ....................................... 218 Ramona High School, CA .................. 272 Rubinstein, Josh ..................................... 165 Short, Anna ............................................. 92
Pedro, Josanne ...................................... 136 Randolph County High School, AL .... 229 Rumble, Jayna ..................... 70, 306–307 Shrader, Morgan .................................. 100
Pembroke High School, MA ................ 287 Randolph–Henry High School, VA ..... 199 Russell, Crystal ............................. 221, 291 Shultz, Melinda ...................................... 293
Penn Manor High School, PA .............. 198 Rannis, Lori ............................................ 196 Russell, Kori .......................................... 269 Shupe, Adam ........................................ 188
Pennsylvania State University, The, Raper, Margie ......................................... 60 Russell, Lisa ........................................... 232 Siddiqui, Raneem ................................. 290
PA ............................................ 92, 309 Raspberry, Faralyn ............................... 140 Rybicki, Amanda .................................... 96
Perdue, Hannah .................................... 158 Rathbun, Kristi ............ 58, 245, 306–307 Siegel, Lela ............................................. 111
Perry High School, AZ ......................... 103 Redd, Nicholas ..................................... 218 Sierra Vista High School, NV ............. 234
Peter, Makaio ....................................... 259 Redwood High School, CA ................. 127 S Sierra, Tatiana ...................................... 298
Peterson, Abigail ................................... 287 Reed, Ben ................................................ 50 Signal Mountain Middle/High School,
TN ......................................... 129, 290
Peterson, Michael ................................ 208 Reed, Jennifer ........................................ 155 Simmons, Matty .................................... 251
Petronella, Lindsey ............................... 268 Reedy High School, TX ........................ 177 Sims, Gracie .......................................... 199
Peytavin, Anne ...................................... 110 Reeping, Frederick ................................ 162 Skierczynski, Mary ............................... 115
Pharr–San Juan–Alamo Early College Reese, Dr. Leon .................................... 236 St. Anthony’s High School, NY .......... 232 Slaughter, Alicia ................................... 220
High School, TX ............................ 228 Renner Middle School, TX ................... 138 St. Augustine Preparatory School, NJ 117
Phillips, Aspyn ....................................... 276 Reno High School, NV ......................... 104 St. Clair, Kiara ......................................... 86 Sledd, Sarah ......................................... 176
Pieper, Marci ......................................... 113 Reynolds Middle School, TX ............... 138 St. Joseph High School, CT ................ 232 Smale, Stacy ......................................... 157
Pike High School, IN ............................ 176 Rice Memorial High School, VT .......... 274 St. Mark’s School of Texas, TX ............. 64, Smith, Aaron .......................................... 118
Pine Creek High School, CO ............. 228 Richards, Zachary ................................. 113 306–307 Smith, Andrea ....................................... 116
Pires, Ethan ..................................... 85, 319 Richardson High School, TX ........ 93, 247, Saint Mary’s School, NC ................... 233 Smith, Brooke ....................................... 220
Pittsfield High School, IL ...................... 228 252–253, 260, 265, 275 Salassi, Kelly ............... 87, 126, 178, 216, Smith, Clint .... 254–255, 274, 277–278,
281–282, 285–286, 291, 294–295
223, 237
Plano East Senior High School, TX ..... 187 Richardson, Karly ................................. 228 Salazar–Werito, Isaiah ........................ 297 Smith, Kathy .......................................... 214
Plano Senior High School, TX ............. 103 Richland R–1 High School, MO ....... 263, Salem High School, VA ....................... 118 Smith, Matthew ..................................... 217
Plows, Kate ............................................ 156 279–280, 292, 295–296 Salz, Kim ................................................. 88 Smith, Naima ..................... 149, 269, 319
Poole, Mikayla ...................................... 116 Richmond–Burton Community High School, Samples, Luke ....................................... 160 Smith, Zoe ............................................. 294
Porter, Maddison ................................. 268 IL ...................................................... 156 San Pasqual High School, CA ............ 127 Smiths Station High School, AL ........... 128
Porterville High School, CA ................. 187 Richter, Cindy ....................................... 232 Sanchez, Richard ................................. 238 Smithson Valley High School, TX .......... 66
Portney, Josh ........................................... 92 Ridgeview Middle School, TX Mini–Mag Sanders, Colleen .................................. 160 Snodgrass, Jodi ..................................... 134
14, 139, 306–307
Potter, Kim ............................................. 228 Riedy, Josh .................. 105, 114, 169, 197 Sandlin, Mark ...................................... 235 South Greene High School, TN .......... 178
Pottsville Area High School, PA .......... 229 Rietveld, Isaac .............................. 257, 299 Sands, Lisa ............................................ 112 South High School, CA ........................ 105
Powell, Jo .............................................. 228 Riley, Taryn ........................................... 298 Sandusky Senior High School, MI ...... 177 South Kitsap High School, WA .......... 234
Powers, Kelly ......................................... 213 Rim of the World High School, CA ..... 104 SAR High School, NY .......................... 178 South Lancaster Academy, MA ......... 233
Prairie Farm High School, WI ............. 119 River Bluff High School, SC ................... 93 Sarcoxie High School, MO ................ 250 South Mecklenburg High School, NC 188
Presque Isle High School, ME ............ 284 River Oaks Baptist School, TX ............... 93 Sarell, Pam ............................................ 218 South Point High School, NC ............. 200
Preston, Nicole ...................................... 101 Riverside High School, SC .................. 230 Satterthwaite, Julia ...................... 306–307 South Windsor HS, CT ........................ 309
Prestonwood Christian Academy North, Robbinsville High School, NC ............ 109, Southside Christian School, SC .......... 235
TX ..................................................... 199 165, 276, 289, 291 Saulsbury, Breanne .............................. 142
Prestonwood Christian Academy, TX .. 198 Robert Bateman Secondary School, Sawatzky, Maddox ............................. 298 Southwest Career and Technical Academy,
NV .......................... 68, Mini–Mag 08
Price, Abbie .......................................... 265 BC ................................................... 230 Schauster, Trent 128, 136, 208, 221, 231 Southwest Junior High School, AR ...... 140
Price, Rianne ............ 101, 126, 143, 145, Robert Vela High School, TX ..... 148, 177 Schermer, Maribeth .............................. 118 Southwood Jr./Sr. High School, IN .... 105
154, 177, 215, 218 Roberts, Brent ........................................ 192 Schmelzenbach, LeeAnn ...................... 211
Pride, Brittany ........................................ 122 Robinson, Dakota ........................ 159, 319 Schreel, Paul ......................................... 183 Spartanburg High School, SC .............. 94
Prieto–Berkey, Alexis ............................. 16 Robinson, Shannon .............................. 225 Schreiner, Sarah ...... 110, 244–245, 268 Spector, Thomas ................................... 237
Print Awards ............................... 308–309 Rochelle Zell Jewish High School, IL ... 231 Schrewe, Kristin .................................... 231 Spelman, Chris ................... 220, 227, 233
Print Innovation Awards ............ 308–309 Rock Canyon High School, CO ........... 58, Scott, Sheri ................... 16, 132, 134, 180 Spring Forest Middle School, TX ......... 140
Pritchard, Kate ...................................... 273 306–307 Searcy High School, AR ............ 200, 291 Stalloch, Eric ........................................... 87
Program of Excellence .............. 300–303 Rock Hill High School, TX ..................... 60, Semiahmoo Secondary, BC ............... 233 Stamis, Lou ........................................... 248
Prospect High School, IL ........................ 56 Mini–Mag 10 Serrano Intermediate School, CA ...... 233 Stamp, Jess .................................. 306–307
Prosper High School, TX ...................... 199 Rocklin High School, CA ..................... 165 Serrano, Jesus ...................................... 252 Standley Lake High School, CO ......... 179
Providence Christian Academy, GA .. 229 Rockwall High School, TX ................... 200 Severna Park High School, MD .......... 178 Stanford University, CA ...................... 309
Providence High School, NC .... 306–307 Rockwall–Heath High School, TX ....... 117 Shackelford, Joanna ............................ 236 Starr’s Mill High School, GA ............... 201
Puidoke, Emilija .................................... 296 Rocky Mountain High School, CO ..... 231 Shade, Laura ........................................ 228 Staszeczka, Joanna .............................. 237
Steinhauser, Kristina ............................. 221
Shadow Ridge High School, AZ ......... 156
Rodriguez, Marilyn ............................... 219
Q Rogers High School, AR ...................... 104 Shaheen, Molly .................................... 185 Stewman, Suzanne .............................. 229
Stewart, Harper ................................... 292
Shawnee High School, NJ ................. 233
Rogers Middle School, TX ................... 139
Stirns, Cindy .......................................... 133
Shawnee Mission East High School,
Rolesville High School, NC ................. 127
Stites, Emily .............................................. 98
KS ............. 204–205, 262, 283, 292
Romero, Karla ....................................... 124
Roosevelt High School, NC ................. 231
Stratford High School, SC ................... 188
Sheets, Matt ................................... 92, 213
Root, Alison ............................................. 89 Shay, Sarah ................................ 238, 295 Stoltz, Nicole .......................................... 56
Qin, Winston ........................................ 296 Root, Dr. Deborah ................................... 54 Sheffield, Tread & Associates ............... 20, Stratford High School, TX .................... 179
Queen Creek High School, AZ .......... 229 40, 60, 64, 86, 93–94, 97–98, 101, Strath Haven High School, PA ............ 156
103, 105–106, 110, 113, 116–118,