Page 335 - 2024 Look Book
P. 335

Strathmore High School, AB ...............  298  Tuttle, Gina ............................................  116  Weber, Michelle  ................................... 214
                                                                Webster, Frank  ................... 197, 306–307
        Street, Kevin  .......................................... 120  Twin Lakes High School, IN ................. 201  Weiss, Dana  ............  50, 88–89, 94, 135,   Y
        Strelitz, Alison  ................................ 74, 245  Weddington High School, NC ............ 128
        Strong Rock Christian School, GA  .....  235            Weidkamp, Kate  ................................... 166
        Studaker, Doreanna  ............................. 218
        Stumb, Adrienne  ................................... 189  U  155, 171–172, 179, 231
        Styles, Shauna  ...................................... 136  Wesleyan School, GA  ......................... 108  Yale College, CT  .................................  309
        Su, Alena  ..............................................  290  West Campus High School, CA  .......... 158  Yarbrough, Asenath  .............................  117
        Summers, Debra  ................................... 212  West Delaware High School, IA  ......... 190  Yearbook+  ...................  15, Mini–Mag 02
        Sumter High School, SC  ...................... 157  Uintah High School, UT  ....................... 106  West Forsyth High School, GA  ........... 108  Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman
                                                                                              High School, NY  ............................ 180
        Sweet, Steve  .......................................... 178  Ulysses High School, KS  ...................... 107  West Island College, AB  .....................  298  Yorba Linda High School, CA  ..... 10, 238,
        Sweet, Steve Jr.   155, 188, 217, 200, 228  Underwood, Zach  ................................  116  West Ridge High School, TN  .............. 237  295
        Sylvain, Ava  .........................................  293  Union Grove High School, GA  ..........  236  West Valley High School, CA  ............. 166  York High School, VA  ..........................  238
        Szenes–Strauss, Lawrence  .................. 231  Unionville High School, PA  .................  248  Westbrook, Ray  .......................... 306–307  Young, Chrissy  ...................................... 152
                                    United Sates Air Force Academy,    Westlake High School, TX  .....................  74  Young, Marcie  .....................................  284
                  T                 United States Military Academy, NY   309  Westmoore High School, OK ...............  76,   Young, Ona  ........................................... 194
                                      CO  ........................................ 308, 309
                                                                Westlake High School, UT  ................... 180
                                                                                           Young, Marion  .....................................  284
                                                                  Mini–Mag 12, 293
                                    United States Naval Academy,
                                                                                           Yucca Valley High School, CA  ..........  238
                                      MD  .......................................  308–309
                                                                Westmount Charter School, AB  .......... 108
                                                                                           Yukon High School, OK  .... Mini–Mag 09,
                                    University High School, IL     70, 306–307
                                    University of Chicago Laboratory
                                                                Westrem, Reid  .......................................  115
                                      High School, IL  .............  70, 306–307  Westphal, Diana  ................................... 183  202
        T.C. Roberson High School, NC  ......... 106  University of Georgia, GA  ..................  308  Westwood High School, AZ  ..............  202
        Tallon, Chelsea  ....................................  223  University Preparatory School, CA  ....  236  Wheatley, Patricia  .................................. 97  INDEX
        Tate, Dow  .......................... 262, 283, 292  Unsicker, Andrea  ..................................  118  Whisler, Kari  ........................ 102, 176, 195  Z
        Taylor, Brian  .......................................... 183  Utica High School, MI  ......................... 157  White, Amy  ........................................... 231
        Taylor, Elizabeth  ..................................  224  White, Katheryn  .................................... 183
        Taylor, Susan  ......................................... 201  White, Kristie  ........................................  298
        Teague, Stephen  ................................... 150  White, Sherri  ........................................  224  Zeigler, Payton  ...................................... 221
        Temeyer, Helen  ..................................... 190  V  Whitefield Academy, GA  ....................  118  Zeigler, Will  ..........................................  226
        Templeton, Michelle  ............................. 128  Whitefish Bay High School, WI  .......... 237  Zetsche, Beverly  ...................................  238
        Tesoro High School, CA  .....................  235      Whitehead, Sandra  .............................. 158  Zhang, Lilly  ...........................................  248
        Texas High School, TX ...............  7, 82–83,        Whitewater High School, GA  ............. 148  Zhu, Clara  ...............................  1, 268, 319
           240–241, 254–255, 274, 277–278,                      Whitfield School, MO  .......................... 128  Zientek, Amanda  .................  48, 140, 179
           281–282, 285–286, 291, 294–295  V.R. Eaton High School, TX  .................  236  Whitney High School, CA    78, 306–307
        The Branson School, CA  .....................  290  Vaccaro, Mallory  .................................. 216  Wiggins, Chase  ...................................... 42  Zimmerman, Jenny  ..................................  91
                                                                                           Zorn, Jamie Ray  .......................... 306–307
        The Colony High School, TX  ...............  113  Valley View Middle School, CA  ........  236  Wild, Jaclyn  .........................................  236
        The Episcopal School of Dallas, TX  ...... 32  Valley Vista High School, AZ  .............. 165  Wiley, Mandi  ....................  14, 18, 54, 86,
        The Galloway School, GA  .................. 144  Valparaiso High School, IN  ................ 189  99, 111, 113, 130, 142, 147, 153,
        The Hockaday School, TX  ................... 100  Vandegrift High School, TX  ....... 306–307  182, 192, 213, 200
        The King’s Academy, GA  .................... 163  Verboom, Kaisa  ...................................  256  Wilking, Dawn  .....................................  293
        The Morgan School, CT  .....................  225  Veterans Tribute Career & Technical   William A. Hough High School, NC  ... 190
                                      Academy, NV  ................................ 158
        The Pennsylvania State University,                      William Penn Charter School, PA  ......  238
           PA  ............................................  92, 309  Victor, Pablo  .......................................... 297  Williams, Christy  ...................................  117
        The Village School, TX  ......................... 107  Viera High School, FL  ..........................  236  Williams, Jeff  .................................. 78, 165
        The Woodlands College Park, TX  ....... 180  Villa Grove Junior High, IL  ..................  269  Williams, Melissa  ................................. 198
        Thomas, Candice  .................................. 135  Village School, The, TX  ........................ 107  Williams, Sara  .....................................  220
        Thomas, Tiffani  ...................................... 123  Vista Murrieta High School, CA  ......... 107  Williams, Stephen  ................................. 192
        Thompson, Leslie  ..................................... 98  Vista Ridge High School, CO  .............. 148  Williams, Tenille  ...................................  208
        Timberview High School, TX  ............... 106  Vista Ridge High School, TX  ...... 306–307  Williamson, Dawn  ................................ 125
        Timen, Sasha  ...... 114, 166, 197, 217, 236  Vuillemin, Alyssa  ................ 204–205, 319  Willow Spring High School, NC  .......  238
                                                                Willow Springs Middle School, TX  ....  238
        Tippens, Alyssa  ..................................... 218
        Tompkins, Jessica  .................................... 86 W  Wilson–Fuge, Blythe  ...........................  233
        Tittl, Peter  ..............................................  223
                                                                Wilson, Virginia  ............................ 211, 214
        Tokarczyk, Kelly  .................................... 139
                                                                Winder–Barrow High School, GA  ..... 158
        Tom C. Clark High School, TX  ............. 201
                                                                Windsor High School, CO  .................... 94
        Tompkins High School, TX  ..................  235
                                                                Winter, David  ........................................ 319
        Torrey Pines High School, CA  ............. 157         Wingbermuehle, Steve  ......................... 198
        Tortarella, Laura  ...................................... 87  Waggoner, Roy  ...................................... 97  Wolf, Megan  ......................................... 179
        Townsend Harris High School, NY  ....  296  Wagner, Steve  .....................................  235  Wong, Taylor  .......................................... 42
        Traeger, Nick  .......................................... 96  Wake Forest High School, NC  ...........  202  Woodcreek High School, CA  ............. 166
        Traughber, Tod  ...................................... 294  Waldrup, Anna  ..................................... 128  Woodcreek Junior High School, TX  ... 149,
        Trejo, Charlie  ...............  89, 148, 177, 228  Walker, Heather  ................................... 126  269
        Trent Middle School, TX  ....................... 140  Wall, Amanda ....................................... 137  Woodlands College Park, The, TX  ...... 180
        Trent, Leslie  ............................................ 101  Walnut Ridge Schools, AR  ................... 237  Woodstock High School, IL  ................. 166
        Trezona, Kim & Associates  ......... 111, 123,   Walton High School, GA  ..................... 237  Woodward Academy, GA  .................. 190
           127, 151, 172, 176, 185, 202, 208,   Walton, Jennifer  .................................... 180  Woolf, Shanon  ........................................ 46
           211–212, 216, 228, 233, 238  Wando High School, SC  ....................... 72  Wright, Abigail  ....................................  225
        Trickum Middle School, GA  ...............  236  Washington, Mia  .................................. 162  Wright, Jake  .......................................... 107
        Trinity High School, TX  ......................... 179  Watauga High School, NC  ................. 189  Wright, Tyler  .......................................... 105
        Tromm, TommiAnn  ................................ 130  Wayne Valley High School, NJ  .........  273  Wylie East High School, TX  ................... 94
        Tumbusch, Karissa  .....  112, 161, 196, 198  Waynesville High School, MO  ..........  293  Wylie High School, TX  .........................  118
        Tunstall, Rachel  ....................................  202  Wayzata High School, MN  ................ 189
        Turner, Megan  .......... 103, 161, 174, 183,    Weber, Jana  ................................ 306–307
           192, 202, 209, 213, 225, 229

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