Page 54 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 54

           Images Tab Close-Up

                    Scan QR code to watch the video.

                                                   SEARCH                                            IMAGES
                                                   Search images by name or                          TAB DROP
                                                   keyword.                                          DOWN
                                                                                                     Select an
                                                   GRID OR LIST VIEW                                 Image Library
                                                   Toggle between viewing                            category to
                                                   images in grid or list                            view in the
                                                                                                     Images Tab.
                                                   VIEW OPTIONS                                      Uploaded
                                                   Filter the images you’re                          images will go
                                                   viewing by unused                                 into the active
                                                   images only or by                                 folder.
                                                   tagged images only.
                                                   DRAG AND DROP OR
                                                   UPLOAD IMAGES
                                                   Upload images directly
                                                   from Layout Pro by either
                                                   dragging and dropping
                                                   or uploading from your
                                                   device. Images will be   TAGGED IMAGE
                                                   uploaded to the active   The icon in the bottom
                                                   folder in the Images tab.  right corner of this image
                                                                            indicates it has been
                                                   VIEW PAGE INFO           tagged. Use the filter
                                                   Hovering will show the   options at the top of the
                                                   title of the image, clicking   images tab to view tagged
                                                   will open the Image Details   images only.
                                                   module so you can view
                                                   details and/or tag your   ADD AN IMAGE TO
                                                   image.                   THE PAGE
                                                                            Drag and drop an image
                                                   IN THE BOOK              onto the page to use it.
                                                   The checkmark icon       •  If you drop onto an
                                                   means this image has         existing image frame
                                                   already been used in the     the image will place
                                                   yearbook.                    into that frame.

                                                                            •  If you drag onto the
                                                                                page itself a new
                                                                                image frame will be

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