Page 40 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
P. 40

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                WE RUN AS


                 Cross Country may appear simple on the
             surface, but underneath, it's one of the most
                 physically demanding sports out there. A
                constant full body workout, these runners
              took on a great challenge - all while having a
                                              lot of fun!
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                  PAVE THE WAY //
             The cross country team has a
            discussion during their meet. It
              helps them not only get their
            spirits up, but reminds them of
                   all of their hard earned

               POSITIVE ENERGY //
            Marlena Robinson, 10, keeping
               her spirits high and positive
            energy at a cross country meet.                                                           EYES ON THE FINISH LINE //
              With a smile on her face and                                                           Mario Pascucci, 9, Ethan Flores, 10, and
                                                                                                    Jeffrey Butler, 10, support each other by
           shades on, she's ready to excel!                                                         running together. They not only start as a
                                                                                                            team, but finish as a team!
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  Christopher Black, 9, before the                                                                     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
            MIND OVER MATTER //
                   Coach Gleason assists
             Cross Country meet. In Cross
              Country, support from those
            you look up to the most goes a
                             long way!

                    "I LOVE THE PEOPLE.  I                      TOP: The Cross Country boys are ready to get the
                                                                     ball rolling and take off for a victory!
                        MADE SO MANY                        RIGHT: To get into the Halloween spirit, the cross
                  LIFE-LONG FRIENDSHIPS."                  country runners drew spooky designs on themselves.
                         - OWEN KETZ, 9                      What better way to express creativity while staying

                          FASTER THAN THE REST,
                              BEST IN THE NEST //
              1. A clearly dedicated Cross Country member puts a
                pumpkin on their head to enlighten spirits for fall
              2. Kaden Christy, 10, is right on the money when it
            comes to fall spirit, as seen by the art on his shoulder!
             3. Blake Gee, 10, is just about ready to hit that finish
            4. The Cross Country boys are ready for success! Now,
                         it's a matter of putting in the work.


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