Page 42 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                THE PERFECT


                   As one of the most dominant sports at
                   Humphreys, the HHS tennis team is a
                     powerful group of some of the most
              quintessential students and athletes alike. A
                difficult, but classy sport, tennis is a go-to
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                             sport for many Blackhawks!
                  The Blackhawk Tennis team has produced an
                incredibly strong group of players over the years,
                       and are determined every year to outdo
               themselves the previous year during the turbulent
                Fall season. Tennis is a grand sport nation-wide-
                     at Humphreys, it's a place for many savvy
               Blackhawk athletes to excel. With COVID-19 much
                 less of an obstacle this season, there was room
               for lots more opportunity available to all students.
               For the Tennis team, they traveled and competed
                against some of the best schools in South Korea.                                                 POWER PLAY //
                                                                                                     Sean Choo, 11, puts lots of work into his
               Their efforts led to a victorious scoreboard, and an                              sport every single day. While tennis only takes
               even more successful season overall, both on and                                     place during the fall, the time, energy and
                   off the court. Although not every match was a                                       effort that it takes goes on for miles!
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  more than enough to be asked of from this Tennis                                                     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                  scoring success, these Blackhawk athletes put
                   their best foot forward every time, which was

                 team. Stance prepared, racket it hand... time to

              "NO MATTER THE OUTCOME
                  OF OUR MATCHES, WE
                ALWAYS FOUND WAY TO                         TOP: The tennis team gathers together to strategize
                                                                                the keys to victory.
               KEEP FOCUS ON THE NEXT                        Right: Dylan Byun, 10, serves a tennis ball with a
                   MATCH COMING UP."                         powerful strike, hoping to score an Ace against his
                      - DYLAN BYUN, 10                                               opponent.

              LESS TO WORRY ABOUT//

                1. Anna Reynolds, 10,  prepares to hit the ball by
                           swinging her racket to the side.
              2. Players listen attentively as Coach Pollack holds a
                                      team meeting.
                 3. Beau Carson, 11, strikes the ball back to his
             4. While waiting to get on the court, Joon Flanery, 12,
                   and Sean Choo, 12, laugh with teammates.


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