Page 12 - V7.2-2019-PR-GRANT
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Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.

                              2019 Travel Grants

     As the KTEF has grown since its 1955 inception, we have expanded the
     number and size of our grants, and we have commenced new initiatives in
     ophthalmology research and education.  Our research grants are targeted to
     new research by those in the early stages of their careers. By stretching out
     a helping hand to those just starting their careers, we started the travel grant
     program in 2015 for these PhD and MD students, travel grants can make all
     the difference in whether they can attend and present their research at the
     national meeting.  With this program we hope to encourage and expedite
     more successful careers in these young researchers.
                       We currently sponsor two programs:

       ARVO (The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology)
           95 awarded representing 27% of the total travel grants awarded

                 ISER (International Society for Eye Research)
           34 awarded representing 35% of the total travel grants awarded

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