Page 69 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 69


                                             BRP/1000  PRESSURE CONTROL

                                               Study and adjust a pressure control loop
                                                     Industrial actuators and sensors setting and study
                                                     Use a PID controller
                                                     Open loop study
                                                     Closed loop study
                                                     Further to a disruption controller reaction study

                                                        General specifications             Instrumentation
                                                                                 •  Manometers.
                                               •  Control  valve  SS  core  Masoneilan  Varipack   •  Electronic relative pressure transmitter.
                                                 with  variable  Cv.  Pneumatic  actuator  and   •  PID configurable controller.
               For  the  data  acquisition  see  the   positioner.
               MAI/2000  adapted  to  each                                       •  The  4-20mA  signals  available  on  wiring
               bench.                          •  Cylindrical tank.              terminals Ø 4mm.

                                               •  Interference piping with setting valve and ball

                                                                                                    100 - 240 V   2 bar
                                               •  Configurable electronic PID controller.           1ϕ - 50/6 0Hz
                                                                                              Dim: 80 x 60 x 80cm  -  50 kg

                                   WATER FLOW CONTROL           BRD/1000

                                               Study and adjust a flow control loop
                                          Industrial actuators and sensors setting and study
                                                             Use a PID controller
                                                               Open loop study
                                                               Closed loop study
                                           Further to a disruption controller reaction study

                 General specifications              Instrumentation
                                           •  Electronic  differential  pressure  transmitter
         •  Control  valve  SS  core  Masoneilan  Varipack      0 - 250 mbar.
          with  variable  Cv.  Pneumatic  actuator  and   • Float flowmeter 15 - 150 L/h.
          positioner.                      • PID configurable controller.

         •  Flow  measurement  by  deprimogenous    •  The  4-20mA  signals  available  on  wiring
          element : diaphragm.             terminals Ø 4mm.                           For  the  data  acquisition  see  the
                                                                                      MAI/2000  adapted  to  each
         •  Stainless  steel  three-way  manifold,  for                               bench.
          transmitter setting
                                                                                      May  require  the  utility  modules
         •  Disturbance piping with setting valve and ball                            MUT/2000.
          valve 1/4 revolution.

         •  Three ways valve for draining.
                                              100 - 240 V   Water   2 bar   Drainage
                                             1ϕ - 50/60Hz   500 L/h

                                                       Dim : 80 x 60 x 80cm  -  50 kg

                 Instrumentation & control                                                                  69
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