Page 72 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 72



                                                        ➢    Unit  designed  for  training  technicians  intervening  on  industrial
                                                             control systems
                                                        ➢    Hot water production system presentation

                                                        Possible configuration of test rig parts
                                                              Pump, heat exchanger, control valve, sensors, safety components, etc

                                                        Choice of different loops control & signals wiring
                                                              4-20mA signals available on wirring terminals

                                                        Study and set the parameters of the industrial sensors and actuators

                                                        Study and adjust a number of single and cascade loops
                                                              Temperature control
                                                              Level control
                                                              Flow control
                                                              Temperature control using a cascade loop
                                                              Level control using a cascade loop
                                                              Pressure control (optional)

                                                        General specifications   • 2 temperature probes Pt100Ω.
                                               •  SS feeding tank, with level detector.   • Electromagnetic flowmeter.
                   Unit multiparameters                                          • Differential electronic pressure
                   Study  of  control,  level,  flow,   •  SS blinked electrical heater.      transmitter.
                   temperature, pressure.                                        • Flowmeter.
                   Three types of actuators    •  SS centrifugal pump.           • Pressure transmitter (option).

                                               •  Pneumatic controlling valve with positioned.   • The  4-20mA  signals  available  on  wiring
                                                                                    terminals Ø 4mm.
                                               •  SS  heat  exchanger  with  temperature
                                                 thermo well (optional sensor).

                                               •  PID configurable controllers.
                                                                                      200 - 400 V    2 bar   Drainage
                                                                                     3ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L / h

                                                                                           Dim: 150 x 70 x 160 cm  -  170 kg
                                                                                    EXEMPLE DE CABLAGE : REGULATION
                                                                                        CASCADE NIVEAU-DEBIT
                                 The  bench  is  mobile  independent  and  allows  to  study   9  9  OPTION O4
        Electronic   inverter   for    several  control loops.                      LIC 1  CE FIC 1  TI   TI
        centrifugal pump rotation speed      - Temperature control loop          LALL              4       3
                                 The  tank  is  equipped  with  a  heater  7  for  heating  the      TY 2  T 2  5
        Discharge pressure control.   circulating water. Study in static or in circulation.                  FI
        Thermal  exchange  study  with   - Temperature control in exchanger outlet: cascade loop    1  1  I  P  8
        heat exchanger.          The hot water flows through the heat exchanger and heats   T 1  FY 1
                                 the cold fluid 8. Exchanger outlet temperature control.   TH      4
        Cold water rate control.                                             6
                                 - Control level loop                         dPT 1             FIT 1  3      EAU
                                 On  the  vessel,  a  transmitter  P  6  measures  the  level  of
        Suction pressure measurement.   water in the open circuit operation.             OPTION  OPTION O3
                                                                                 7  Y     PT 2  1
        Coil  to  generate  a  delay  on  the   - Flow control loop                                  M
        cold water network.
                                                                                                 2  OPTION O2
                                 Two PID controllers allow 9 to act on the actuators (control
                                 valve, heater and drive if option).

                                 The different options allowed to make more complex the
                                 unit, depending of the formation level.

          72                                                               Instrumentation & control
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