Page 83 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 83



                                                             ➢ Demonstrate  the  various  stages  of  wastewater  treatment
                                                                through the reproduction of the activated sludge process in an
                                                                automated system

                                                             Study of the sewage treatment process
                                                                   Strictly aerobic
                                                                   Aerobic and anoxic by aeration syncopating
                                                                   Aerobic and anoxic in separated basins

                                                             Conduct the process of wastewater treatment
                                                                   Called activated sludge treatment
                                                                   Process monitoring
                                                                   Search for optimal treatment parameters

                                                                   Alarm management
                                                                   pH and O 2 control
                                                                   Sludge recycling management
                                                                   Production of polluted water

                Realization of a biological treatment under   General specifications
                real  conditions;  functionality  for  several                              Instrumentation
                days. Unit requires regular monitoring.   •  Raw  water  production:  tank,  polyethylene,   • Flow transmitter.

                                                  removable lid, and level detector. Additional   • Air flow meter.
                                                  5L bottle and metering pump.    • Dissolved oxygen probes, pH and tempera-
                                                                                   ture probe.
                Supervision - Data acquisition
                                                •  Peristaltic Pump, variable speed. Flow trans-
                                                •  Aeration  tank,  two  hole  for  measuring  dis-
                                                  solved  oxygen,  pH/T  ,  a  sampling  hole,  stir-
                                                  ring  shaft  Rushton  turbines  (height  adjusta-
                                                  ble),  dip  tube  loading  tee,  draining  valve.
                                                  Tank with two overflow levels.

                                                •  Settler,  stirrer  with  scraping-blade  stirring
                                                  shaft,  draining  valve,  overflow  exhaust  with
                                                  sampling valve.

                                                •  Sludge  recycling  pump,  variable  speed,
                                                  isolating  valves  for  recycling  from  the  aera-
                                                  tion tanks.

                                                •  Air circuitry. Compressor.              100 - 240 V   Water   Evacuation
                                                                                           1ϕ - 50/60 Hz
                                                •  pH Adjusting : metering pump and 5L bottle   Dim : 250 x 75 x 170cm  -  210 kg

                                                This pilot reproduced the activated sludge process.
                                                It’s composed by aeration tank, a settler, a feeding tank, pumps and aeration system.

                                                A automat allows to control off the unit and the management alerts and thresholds.
                                                A touch screen allows to access of the measurements parameters and management system.
                                                Real time and historical curves allows to follow the operation of the pilot.
                                                The data acquisition it possible using the USB port

                                                This Pilot be can work 24h/24h with cycle during  of 15 to 21 days.

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