Page 88 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 88


                                            TPC/3000  PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT

                                              ➢    Part of the LPE/2000 package

                                              Adjust operating parameters
                                                   Flow rate, stirring speed
                                                   Coagulant and flocculent concentration
                                                   Residence time

                                              Monitor water quality during treatment and at the decanter outlet

                                              Jar test feasibility study
                                                   Determine operating conditions depending on type of pollution
                                                       General specifications   •  Lamellar  settler,  in  transparent  PVC,  draining
                                                                                  valve, seven PVC plates with variable slope.
                                              •  Storage tank, 360 L, on mobile frame.

                                              •  Feeding centrifugal pump, stainless steel with   •  Centrifugal pump.
                                               level control, Bypass valve for homogenization.
                  Firs step of the drinkable water   •  3  Storage  tanks,  3  membrane  dosing  pumps
                  process LPE/2000.                                             • 5 flowmeter.
                                               with variable flowrate.          • Electronic calibrated pH  indicator
                                                                                (portable technology).
                                              •  2 stirrings motor.

                                              •  Coagulation  tank,  transparent  PVC.  Rushton
                                               turbine stirring, draining valve and removable

                                              •  Flocculation tank, transparent, PVC, helix stir-  100  - 240 V   Water   Drainage
                                               ring, draining valve and removable lid.    1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L / h
                                                                                          Dim: 290 x 200 x 190 cm -  100 kg

                                  COMPUTERIZED PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT                      TPC/3000I

                          General specifications

         •  Same design at TPC 3000, but instrumented version with integrated
          touch screen in a control cabinet.

         •  Process display with indications:
              * pH control.
              * Temperature.
              * 24H historical or 1 week.
              * Data acquisition, directly in Excel format on USB stick.
              * May accept other measures later.

         •  Three metered pumps with retransmission for external copy of the flow
          measurement (reagents).

         •  2 level transmitter.

         •  A transmitter pH in cabinet.

                                                                          Water treatment
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