Page 90 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 90


                                                   FSA/3000  FILTRATION ON SAND

                                                   ➢     Filtration in bulk

                                                   2nd Step of the drinkable water line LPE/2000

                                                   Monitoring water quality during filtration

                                                   Study of the filtration process
                                                         Permeability of the medium to water
                                                         Monitor pressure drops in the bed of sand over time
                                                         Observe the saturation front and the clogging of the bed

                                                           General specifications   •  Set of valves for circuit selection: filtration
                                                                                     or bed fluidization.
                                                   •  Raw  water  storage  tank,  polyethylene,
                                                     graduated.  Removable  lid  and  draining   Instrumentation
                                                                                   • 2 flowmeters.
                                                                                   • 2 manometers.
                                                   •  Column,  retention  grids  at  the  top  and
                                                     bottom  of  the  column,  eleven  pressure
                                                     ports along the column.
                   Second step of the drinkable
                   water process LPE/2000.         •  Piezometric  tubes  to  measure  pressure
                                                              1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L / h   3 bar max   Drainage
                                                     isolating and draining valves.

                                                                                       100 - 240 V
                                                   •  Cyclone, PVC, overtopping flow, isolating
                                                     and draining valves.
                                                                                           Dim: 210 x 60 x 230 cm -  150 kg
                FILTRATION ON ACTIVATED CARBON              FSC/2000

                               ➢     Purification on activated carbon / disinfection

                                      3rd Step of the drinking water line LPE/2000

                                Study of the adsorption on activated carbon process
               Influence of the contact time (flow rate) and liquid phase concentration on adsorption
               Demonstration of saturation of the activated carbon: plotting of breakthrough curves
                                           In situ sampling for microbiological analysis

             Implementation of disinfection by chlorination (option) and UV lamp (option)
                                                    Search for optimal treatment
                General specifications            Instrumentation
                                         • Flowmeter
        •  Feeding tank, PE, graduated. Removable lid   • 2 manometers.
          and draining valve.
        •  Centrifugal  pump,  low  level  detector,    - UV disinfection.
          by-pass and draining valve.                                                  Third  step  of  the  drinkable
                                         - Chlorine treatment.                         water process LPE/2000.
        •  Column,  retention  grids  at  the  top  and
          bottom of the column, manometers at inlet
          and outlet, draining valve.

        •  Set of valves for circuit selection: filtration
          or rinsing.

        •  Water supply, isolating valve.         100 - 240 V   Water   Drainage
                                                  1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L / h

                                        Dim (with options): 200 x 60 x 200 cm  -  130 kg
                                                                          Water treatment
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