Page 91 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 91


                                              FIC/3000  CARTRIDGES FILTRATION

                                               ➢     Implementation of a cartridge filtration process

                                               Manipulation In series and in parallel of different types of filters
                                                     Effect on the quality of the filtrate
                                                     Quality evaluation of different filters from the filtrate
                                                     The fluid flow rate from the differential pressure across the filter

                                               Qualitative and quantitative comparison with the experimental data

                                               Utility filtration upstream processing chain

                                                        General specifications             Instrumentation

                                                                                 • Flowmeters.
                                               •  Feeding tank, stirring, cartridges filter.   • Manometers.
                                                                                 • Turbidimeter.
                                               •  Centrifugal pump.

                                               •  Cartridges filter.

                                               •  3 body filter, with different type of filters.

                                                                                          100 - 240 V
                                                                                         1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   2000 L / h   Drainage
                                                                                    Dim (framework): 190 x 80 x 200 cm -  120 kg

             UV DISINFECTION AND TOC REDUCTION               TUV/3000

                            ➢    Implementation of UV disinfection treatment
                                            and TOC concentration reduction
                              Study the influence of two UV lamps (185 and 254 nm)
                                                            Alone or in series

                General specifications            Instrumentation
                                         • Flowmeter.
        •  Feed  tank.  Removable  lid.  Draining  valve.   • Manometers.
          Connection  valves  to  the  feeding  pump.   • Temperature probe.
          Low   level   detector   for   pump                                           Quartz lamps

        •  Feeding module Connection pipes from the
          module  and  ss  by  pass  circuit.  Centrifugal
          pump. Two valves for pressure regulation:                                      UV module
              Ball valve on feeding pipes.
              Membrane valves on by pass pipes.

        •  UV Module
              TOC reduction: 1 UV lamp.
              Disinfection: 1 UV lamp.
              Flow  rate  measurement  before  and
              after the module.
              High temperature interlock.
                                                  100 - 240 V   Water   Drainage
              TOC measurement.                   1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   2000 L / h
                                                Dim: 205 x 70 x 190 cm -  210 kg

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