Page 94 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 94
➢ Implementation of two methods for membrane filtration
Study of the characteristics of membranes
Research of osmotic water
Study of the two methods for a NaCl solution
Research of the evolution of the overall retention of the modules depending on pressure
filtration and the initial concentration of the salt solution
Evolution of the rate of conversion of the membranes
General specifications Instrumentation
• Manometers.
• Graduated tank. • PVC flowmeters.
• Combined probes (conductivity and
Industrial membrane type spiral : • SS multi-stage centrifugal pump. temperature) with electronic indication.
compact with big filtration surface • SS flowmeter magnetic transmitter.
area. • Nanofiltration module: carter in resin and
glass fiber, spiral polymer membrane.
• Reverse osmosis module: carter in resin and
glass fiber, spiral polymer membrane.
• Permeate circuit and retentate circuit.
200 - 400 V Water Drainage
3ϕ - 50/60 Hz 400 L / h
Dim: 285 x 100 x 190 cm - 250 kg
➢ Implement a tangential flow membrane filtration process
Study membrane characteristics
Determine membrane permeability (Darcy’s equation)
Application to the concentration of an aqueous polymer solution
Define permeate flow graphs as a function of filtration pressure for various
concentrations of the initial solution
Determine the trans-membrane pressure
Determine the formation of the gel boundary layer
General specifications
• Permeate circuit: PVC flexible.
• Polyethylene tank.
• Copper cooling coil. • pH probes.
• Thermometers.
• SS centrifugal pump. • Manometers.
• Flowmeters.
• UF module feeding circuit. Flow rate setting
valve, pressure measurement.
• By-pass circuit with flow rate measurement.
• Organic membrane ultra-filtration module,
surface. PVC support.
200 - 400 V Water Drainage
3ϕ - 50/60 Hz 500 L / h
• Retentate circuit. Dim: 130 x 60 x 165 cm - 150 kg
Water treatment