Page 92 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 92


                                           EAC/1000      ION EXCHANGE RESINS

                                            ➢     Study ion transfers in a polymer resin water demineralization process
                                            Study the process varying parameters
                                                  Production flow rate
                                                  Resin type
                                                  Quality of untreated water

                                            Qualitative and quantitative study of the demineralization process
                                                  Demonstrate resin saturation
                                                  Monitor the conductivity of the water during treatment
                                                  Study resin regeneration

                                                     General specifications      draining valve.

                                            •  Raw water storage tank, clear PVC, with draining   •  Basic  solution storage tank,  in  clear PVC,  with
                                             valve.                              draining valve.

                                            •  Polypropylene centrifugal pump.             Instrumentation
                                                                               •  Flowmeter.
                                            •  Two  columns  PVC,  cationic  resin  with  polymer
                                                                               •  2 conductivity probes.

                                            •  Two  columns  PVC,  anionic  resin  with  polymer

                                            •  Treated  water  storage  tank,  in  clear  PVC  with
                                                                                             100  - 240 V
                                             draining valve.                                1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   Water   Drainage
                                                                                                     500 L / h
                                            •  Acid  solution  storage  tank,  in  clear  PVC,  with   Dim: 130 x 75 x 190 cm  - 100 kg

                                          REVERSE OSMOSIS         OSM/3000

                ➢     Reverse osmosis membrane filtration process. Osmosed water production

                        Study the reverse osmosis process for water and various NaCl solutions
                                                  Determine the osmotic pressure of water
                                                                Van ’t Hoff equation
               Determine how the overall retention of the module varies with the filtration pressure and initial
                                                       Concentration of the salt solution
                                             Variation in the conversion rate of the membrane

                             Qualitative and quantitative comparison with experimental data
                                                                  Material balance
                                         Influence of pressure on osmosed water production rate

                  General specifications               Instrumentation
                                            •  Manometers.
        •  Graduated tank.                  •  PVC flowmeters.
                                            •  Combined probes (conductivity and tempera-
        •  SS multi stage centrifugal pump.
                                             ture) with portable electronic indication.
        •  Reverse  osmosis  module:  casing,  polymer
          filament membrane.

        •  Permeate  circuit:  sampling  valve,  flow  rate
          measurement  and  polyethylene  storage  tank,
                                                        200  - 400 V   Water   Drainage
        •  Retentate  circuit:  sampling  valve,  pressure  re-  3ϕ - 50/60 Hz   400 L / h
          taining valve, graduated storage tank.
                                                        Dim: 200 x 80 x 195 cm  -  125 kg

                                                                          Water treatment
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