Page 10 - Rieshit Nagpal Flipbook 6th Jan,21
P. 10
The Kho or Bakhu is a traditional dress worn by Bhutia,
ethnic Sikkimese people of Sikkim and Nepal. It is a loose,
cloak-style garment that is fastened at the neck on one
side and near the waist with a silk or cotton belt similar to
the Tibetan chuba and to the Ngalop gho of Bhutan, but
Women wear a silken, full-sleeve blouse called
a honju inside the kho; a loose gown type garment
fastened near the waist, tightened with a belt. Married
women tie a multi-coloured striped apron of woolen cloth
called pangden around their waist.
Male members wear a loose trouser under the kho. The
traditional outfit is complemented by embroidered
leather boots by both men and women