Page 7 - Rieshit Nagpal Flipbook 6th Jan,21
P. 7
Tamang Selo is a Nepali form of
Maruni is one of the most popular dance that depicts the
and the oldest dance of the 'Tamangs' community of the
Nepalese. This festival is also Nepalese. The dance is
correlated with Diwali or Festival of performed accompanied with
Lights. This beautiful dance is also the harmonious tunes of
performed on marriages. Maruni 'Damphoo', a musical
dancers attire in multi-colored instrument that the dancers
costumes and heavy ornaments. carry in their hands. Owing to it,
Maruni dancers are generally Tamang Selo is also known as
attended by a clown known as 'Dhatu 'Damphoo Dance'. The dance is
Waray'. At times, 'Naumati Baja', presented on occasions like
which is a nine instrument orchestra, marriage ceremony, childbirth
is also escorted by Maruni and village fairs.