Page 24 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 24


             present a statement of charges.' D The telephone company
             incorrectly billed us for several long distance calls.
           • build [bdd]  to construct something. D In order to build a
             house on that piece of property, a building permit is required .
           .  build [bdd]  to establish or increase something. D  The  semi-
             nar is designed to help people build self-esteem.
        bin  See the main entry beginning with been.

        birth See the main entry beginning with berth.
        bizarre See the main entry beginning with bazaar.
           • blew  [blu]  the  past  tense  of  blow  'to    move  something  about
             with air.' D A warm, southerly wind gently blew the windsocks
             in the breeze.
           • blew [about]  [blu] the past tense of blow [about] 'to boast or
             brag about someone or something.' D Jeff blew about even his
             minor accomplishments to anyone who would listen.
           • blue  [blu]  the  color  of  a  clear  sky.  D    The  clear,  sparkling
             water surrounding the atoll was an amazing shade of deep blue.
           • blue  [blu]  depressed;  low  in  spirit.  D  The  death  of  her  cat
             made Mary blue.
           .  bloc  [blok]  a  united  group  of  people  or  countries  acting  to-
             gether for a common purpose. D The bloc of coffee-producing
             nations opposed the trade embargo levied against one of its
           • block [blok]  a solid piece of material with one or more flat
             surfaces. D Tim used a large block of wood to prop up the truck .
           • block [blok]  to obstruct someone or something. D The iron
             gate serves to block any unwanted visitors.
           • block  [blok]  an obstacle. D The school board's refusal to give
             teachers dental insurance created a block in the negotiations.
             • block [blok] one of the parcels of land delineated  by a grid
              of streets. (This refers to the square or rectangular  parcels of
             land as well as the distance of one of the sides of the parcels.)
             □ New sidewalks were installed around the entire block of our
        block See the main entry beginning with bloc.
        blue See the main entry beginning with blew.
           • boar [b:,a,-] a male mammal of some species, usually the swine

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