Page 28 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 28


           • braid  [bred] a type of weaving using three or more strands of
             something,  usually  hair.  0  The  French  braid  has  gained
             popularity as both a casual and elegant hair fashion.
           • braid [bred]  to weave something into a braided pattern. □
             I  do  not  have  the  patience  to  braid  my  daughter's  hair  every
           • brayed  [bred]  the  past  tense  and  past  participle    of  bray    'to
             utter the loud, harsh sound of a donkey or mule.' 0  Each time
             visitors came near the donkey, it brayed loudly hoping for a
             carrot or sugar cube.

           • braise  [brez]  to prepare food in its own juices with very little
             water in a covered pot. □ I prefer to braise my pot roasts in the
             oven rather than fix them in a pressure cooker.
           • brays  [brez] the plural of bray  'a  loud,  harsh  sound,  as  that
             made by a donkey.' 0 The brays of discordant  notes played by
             the unpracticed band was hardly music to the ears.
           • brays [brez] the present tense, third person singular of bray
             'to utter a loud, harsh sound, like that made by a donkey.' □
             The mule brays loudly each day around feeding time.
           • braze [brez] to unite metal objects with solder. □ Tom used
             solder to braze the broken hitch together.
           • brake [brek]  to stop a vehicle. □ He was not able to brake the
             car in time to avoid hitting the branch in the road.
           • brake [brek] a device used to lock the wheels of a vehicle. □
             Do  you  always  set  the  emergency  brake  on  your  car  when
             parking on a hill?
           • break  [brek]  to  smash  something;  to  separate  something  into
             parts, often by force. 0  If  you step  on that  toy,  it  will surely
           • break [brek] an intermission or recess from something. □
             We will take a break halfway through the class.
           • break [brek] to violate or disregard a law, rule, or tradition.
             □  If you break the law, you must pay the penalty for your

        brayed See the main entry beginning with braid.
        brays See the main entry beginning with braise.

        braze  See the main entry beginning with braise.

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