Page 32 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 32
• bussed [b;:,st] the past tense and past participle of bus 'to
clear away dirty dishes and then replace them with clean ones
in a restaurant.' Cheryl collected the tips for the waiters as
she bussed the tables.
• bussed [b;:,st] the past tense and past participle of buss 'to kiss
someone.' (Slang or colloquial.) D The hostess bussed each of
the departing dinner guests on the cheek.
• bust [b;:,st] a sculpture of the upper part of a human body. □
A bust of William Shakespeare rests on a pedestal in a public
garden in Stratford, Ontario.
• bust [b;:,st] the upper portion of a woman's body or the part of
a woman's garment between the neck and waist. D While the
rest of Sheila's gown fit perfectly, the bust was much too tight.
• bust [b;:,st] to break someone or something; to ruin someone
or something. (Colloquial for break. Considered slang or non-
standard for burst.) □ Those poor management policies will
eventually bust the corporation.
• bust [b;:,st] an arrest by the police; police intervention of a
criminal activity. (Slang.) The
□ late-night bust of the night-
club resulted in the arrest of several gambling suspects.
• bust [b;:,st] to hit or punch someone or something. (Slang.) D
Stop making those ugly remarks or I'll bust you in the mouth.
bust See the main entry beginning with bussed.
• but [b;:,t] except for someone or something; without someone
or something. (A conjunction.) □ e motorist knew the stretch
of highway was heavily patrolled, but she continued to exceed
the speed limit anyway.
• butt [b;:,t] the buttocks of a person or animal. (Colloquial and
sometimes considered rude.) D That type of injection is always
given in the butt.
• butt [b;:,t] to push or strike someone or something with the
head or horns. □ If you step into the pasture, the ornery ram
might butt you.
• butt [b;:,t] to fit or press something end to end; to fit tightly
□ pieces of wood must butt tightly in
against something. The
order to get a good fit.
butt See the main entry beginning with but.
butte See the main entry beginning with beaut.
• buy [bm] to purchase something; to hire or bribe someone,