Page 36 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 36
• cantor ['krentac] an official ofa synagogue who sings or chants
prayer. □ The cantor at our synagogue has a wonderful voice.
cantor See the main entry beginning with canter.
• canvas ['krenvis] a closely woven cloth made of cotton or
linen, often used for clothing, ships' sails, and oil paintings. □
Nowadays racing boats use a lightweight fabric for their sails
instead of canvas.
• canvass ['krenvis] to travel through voting districts in an
effort to gain information or support for political candidates
and issues. We will canvass our neighborhood to gain support
for our candidate.
canvass See the main entry beginning with canvas.
• capital ['krep1tl] punishable by death. D Murder in the first
degree is a capital offense in several states.
• capital ['krep1tl] principal; main. D Our capital concern was
the welfare of the children.
• capital ['krep1tl] a city that serves as a seat of government. □
The capital of a state is not necessarily the state's largest city.
• capital ['krep1tl] accumulated money or property. □ Before
he could start a business, Martin had to raise capital to finance
the venture.
• capitol ['krep1tl] the building in which the legislature of a
state meets. The
□ capitol of Michigan was designed by the
same architect who designed the Texas capitol.
• Capitol ['krep1tl] the building in Washington, D.C., where the
United States Congress meets. □ The U.S. Capitol is located
on First Street between Constitution and Independence avenues.
capitol See the main entry beginning with capital.
Capitol See the main entry beginning with capital.
• carat AND karat ['kreac t, 'kEac t] a measurement of weight
for precious stones. (Carat is the most common form.) D Her
diamond engagement ring contained a single marquise-shaped
stone weighing less than a carat.
• caret ['kreac t, 'kEac t] a V-like symbol pointing to where
something is to be inserted into a line of writing or print. □
The proofreader used a caret to show where Pamela had
omitted a word in the sentence.