Page 6 - Dr. Marja Hurley Endowed Research Award
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Nation’s top medical
school in fulfilling
its social mission
continued from previous page of an insurmountable debt.” 68%
Scholarship support “allows
mission of medical education. some of the burden to be taken MSM M.D. Alumni
“MSM resonates with my per- away, and it is such a blessing. Now Serving in
sonal convictions that health care is I can follow whichever path I would Primary Care.
a right, not a privilege,” says schol- like to, and not base my specialty
arship recipient Adonias Christo- on how much I will make,” says
pher Lemma. “I did not enter this recipient Sonya F. Randolph. “I
profession for the money. I am in it am so thankful that someone who
to help people.” does not know us took the time MSM ALUMNI
Financial concerns can be to believe in us and invest in our Giving Rate Ranks
significant for students at MSM. futures. It means so much that they 9th
Though the average household in- [our donors] understand that Black
Among all US
come of students entering medical Lives Matter and are taking steps Medical Schools
schools is $175,000, MSM students to help save more Black lives with
tend to come from households with more future Black doctors.”
an average income of $70,000. And The scholarships will allow
while tuition at MSM is slightly MSM’s students to pursue careers
lower than the average, the average that will change the world.
debt load for a graduating MSM “Time and time again we
student is over $250,000 vs. a na- receive love and appreciation
tional average of about $190,000. from others for our dedication to 98%
“I have definitely had concerns improving our community, but it M.D. Match
about being able to pay off student means so much to have someone 97%
loans,” Stephens says. “While I rec- financially invest in our mission,” Placement of
ognize that this path is not one for Bakayoko says. “Thank you for M.P.H. Graduates
those seeking financial gain, I still seeing us, hearing us, and believing
didn’t want to live with the burden in us.”