Page 2 - MSM Campaign Council Webinar - June 2021
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Priscilla E. Pemu, MD, MS, FACP She has demonstrated sustained collaboration
with institutional, local and National and Interna-
• Professor of Medicine and Vice Chair for Research; tional leaders seeking to facilitate effective transla-
• Medical Director, in the Clinical Research Center;
• Multi PI for the South East Enrollment Center (SEEC) of the All Of Us research tion of research between academic institutions and
program; real world clinical practice.
• Multi PI of the Clinical Research Education and Career Development Program In the past 15 years, CPN developed as a suc-
(CRECD) and cessful partnership based on a shared vision for
improved care and outcomes among minority and
• Medical Director of the Community Physicians’ Network; an Academic Com-
munity partnership that is recognized by the AHRQ as a Practice Based Research underserved patients with Community Physi-
cians who are part of the Morehouse Community
Physicians Network (CPN). Overall focus has been
on identifying gaps in treatment and outcomes and
Dr. Pemu is engaged in direct patient care, research, undergraduate, graduate and
resident mentorship and didactic teaching. She is a successful investigator; whose opportunities for improvement. As medical Direc-
research enquiry is broadly aimed at improving health outcomes of African Ameri- tor of the Community Physicians’ Network (CPN),
she is responsible for planning and executing
cans and other underserved populations.
research and quality improvement initiatives. Disease specific registries for hyper-
tension, Diabetes, heart failure and metabolic syndrome were developed. These were
Specifically, she pursues research that seeks to–
used to support new research and quality improvement initiatives, like the i2b2 data
• Understand the mechanistic basis of vascular dysfunction among obese insulin warehouse that is a part of PCORNet.
resistant but non-diabetic African American women. Dr Pemu has worked effectively within the 29-site Morehouse Choice Accountable
• Improve outcomes of patients with chronic disease by improving self-manage- Care Organization to implement efforts at care coordination, an effort that included
ment skills using a patented web/mobile application, Health360x. direct patient outreach.
She serves as Principal Investigator of the Morehouse School of Medicine’s R-Cen- Dr. Pemu recently completed a TED residency.As a participant in this highly
ter Community Based Research Core; Co-PI of the Health Information Technology selective incubator for breakthrough ideas, Dr. Pemu introduced the concept of
Implementation arm of the Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center on health dispar- Culturally Congruent Coaching. Her TED Talk, has been watched over 2 million
ities and Chair of the Research and Education Committee of the Morehouse Choice times and has been translated into 24 languages . It shares the results of 12 years of
Accountable Care Organization-Educational System(MCACO-ES), a participant in research observations about what predicts successful health behavior change.
the Medicare shared Savings Program.