Page 3 - MSM Campaign Council Webinar - June 2021
P. 3
Yolanda Wimberly, MD, MSC, FAAP, FSAHM
As a distinguished visionary and leader, and educational opportunities while ensuring the professional devel-
Dr. Yolanda Hill Wimberly has created opment of educational faculty and program administration.
a presence on the national health care
scene, based on her innovative organiza- As a visionary, Dr. Wimberly has used her strategic scope and fore-
tional skills and her prolific development sight in leading Morehouse School of Medicine to national promi-
of responsive clinical organizations and nence. In 2016, she assumed the mantle of Senior Associate Dean of
educational programs. A board-certi- Clinical Affairs at Morehouse School of Medicine’s Grady Hospital
fied physician in both pediatrics and where she now leads the clincal enterprise for Morehouse School of
adolescent medicine, Dr. Wimberly is Medicine at Grady. Dr. Wimberly oversees the effective management
also Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at of the Scope of Services and contractual agreement and is responsi-
Morehouse School of Medicine with an ble for managing clinical operations, liaising between administration
expertise in the development and im- and medical staff and trainees and ensuring that patients receive the
plementation of cutting-edge medical highest standard of medical care.
curricula. Her educational leadership and pedagogical acumen have
demonstrably impacted physician education, focusing on dynamic Dr. Wimberly earned her Doctor of Medicine degree from Meharry
medical decision making, fiscally-responsible cost effectiveness, and Medical College and her Master of Science in Epidemiology from the
the successful incorporation of best clinical practices—all in the ser- University of Cincinnati. After completing her pediatric residency at
vice of nurturing the next generation of exceptional medical profes- Northwestern Children’s Hospital, she completed an adolescent med-
sionals. icine fellowship at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She is a currently
a member of the board of directors for the Accreditation Council on
Since 2003, in her progressive positions of leadership at Morehouse Graduate Medical Education and has received national awards recog-
School of Medicine, Dr. Wimberly has been instrumental in building nizing her leadership and accomplishments. She was the recipient of
an effective accreditation process for the school and in revisioning its the Association for American Medical Colleges’ prestigious Arnold P.
infrastructure in order to advance research, enhance clinical perfor- Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award. Dr. Wimberly also
mance, and promote the financial strength of the school. She moni- counts among her honors Atlanta Magazine’s recognition of her as
tors and promotes continuous optimization of the training programs one of Atlanta’s Top Doctors from 2011 through 2020.