Page 25 - MSM Primarily Caring Magazine
P. 25


        Clark Atlanta University was   velopment is the only research   NOTABLE ALUMNI
        born  in  the  1988  consolida-  center at an HBCU in the Unit-  JAMES WELDON JOHNSON   HANK JOHNSON  CLARK COLLEGE
        tion of two institutions, At-  ed  States  that  concentrates    ATLANTA UNIVERSITY    Member of the U.S. House of Rep-
        lanta University, founded by   specifically on prostate can-  Wrote “Lift Every Voice and Sing,”   resentatives from Georgia’s Fourth
        two former enslaved African   cer, which disproportionately   which has become the “Negro   Congressional District—which
        Americans in 1865, and Clark   affects African Americans and   national anthem.” First African   encompasses parts of DeKalb,
        College, founded in 1869. At-  other minorities.        American to pass the Florida Bar.  Gwinnett and Newton counties and
        lanta University, established by   The Whitney M. Young Jr.                            all of Rockdale County.
        the American Missionary Asso-  School of Social Work prepares   RALPH DAVID ABERNATHY SR.
        ciation, was the nation’s first   social work professionals, ad-   ATLANTA UNIVERSITY   KENYA BARRIS  CLARK ATLANTA U.
        institution to award graduate   vancing the ideals of economic   Co-founder of the Montgomery   Hollywood writer and produc-
        degrees to African Americans.  and social justice. Named in   Improvement Association (which led   er; creator/executive producer of
          CAU,  the  largest  of  the   honor of its first dean, social   the Montgomery bus boycott) and   “Black-ish” television show; writer
        37-member United Negro Col-  reformer and civil rights lead-  the Southern Christian Leadership   of movies “Girls Trip” and “Shaft”
        lege Fund institutions, offers   er Whitney M. Young Jr., the   Conference with Dr. Martin Luther   (2019).
        38 different graduate and non-  school is the nation’s first ac-  King Jr.
        degree  certificate  programs  credited school of social work                           AUSTIN THOMAS WALDEN
        through its four schools, arts   at an HBCU.            VALEISHA BUTTERFIELD JONES      CLARK COLLEGE
        and sciences, business admin-                            CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY      Civil rights and voting rights lawyer
        istration, education and social                         Chief diversity and inclusion officer   in Georgia, first African American
        work. The Center for Cancer                             at the Recording Academy (which   judge appointed in Georgia since
        Research and Therapeutic De-                            produces the Grammy Awards).   Reconstruction.

                                                                                                        AUCC MEMBER

        Morehouse College, a key in-  alum Martin Luther King Jr.,   NOTABLE ALUMNI
        fluence in the birth of the civil  including King’s 1964 Nobel   MAYNARD JACKSON        SPIKE LEE
        rights movement, was founded  Prize acceptance speech.  First African American mayor of   Trailblazing Oscar-, Emmy Award-,
        in response to the liberation of   The  nation’s  largest  men’s   Atlanta, Georgia; namesake for Harts-  and Peabody Award-winning writer/
        enslaved African Americans fol-  liberal arts institution, More-  field-Jackson International Airport,   producer/director of Black KKKlans-
        lowing the Civil War. Created  house produces more Black men   the busiest airport in the world.  man, Do the Right Thing, School Daze,
        as the Augusta Institute in 1867  who go on to receive doctorates                      Malcolm X, Jungle Fever and Da 5
        by William Jefferson White, it  than any college in the nation.   JEH JOHNSON           Bloods, among others.
        moved to Atlanta in 1879, known  It is also recognized as a top   Secretary of the Department of
        first as the Atlanta Baptist Sem-  producer of Rhodes Scholars   Homeland Security (2013-2017),   DR. DAVID SATCHER
        inary, later as Atlanta Baptist  among HBCUs.           third-largest department in the U.S.   16th surgeon general of the United
        College.                      The  Morehouse  College   government.                    States.
          It was renamed Morehouse  Glee Club, founded in 1911, has
        College in 1913 after Henry Ly-  brought much fame to More-  THE REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.  DR. LOUIS SULLIVAN
        man Morehouse, an official of  house, performing at the funeral   Leader of the Montgomery bus boycott;  U.S. secretary of health and human
        the  American  Baptist  Home  of MLK Jr. and the inauguration   youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner;   services; founding president/dean,
        Mission Society.            of President Jimmy Carter.  president of the Southern Christian   Morehouse School of Medicine.
          Morehouse is home to The                              Leadership Conference; keynote speak-
        King  Collection,  a  10,000-                           er at the 1963 March on Washington;
        piece collection of original doc-                       only African American recognized with
        uments written by Morehouse                             named national holiday.

                                                                                                Morehouse School of Medicine  23

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