Page 27 - MSM Primarily Caring Magazine
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        Morehouse School of Medicine  vulnerable to the ravaging virus,   NOTABLE ALUMNI
        was founded in 1975 at More-  MSM physicians and researchers   JOY BAKER               TERRANCE JONES
        house College as the Medical  were ready to hit the front lines   Board-certified OB-GYN physician   Commander in the U.S. Public
        Education Program—the first  to care for hundreds of pandem-  who completed a HRSA fellowship   Health Service.
        medical school established at  ic victims in greater Atlanta.   in Transformational Healthcare   HEVAL MOHAMED KELLI
        a historically Black college and  Thanks to a prescient telemed-  Leadership.          Katz Foundation Fellow in Preven-
        university in the 20th century.  icine program, MSM physicians   DR. REGINA BENJAMIN    tive Cardiology at Emory University.
        Six years later, MSM was inde-  were able to broaden their pri-  Eighteenth surgeon general of the
        pendently chartered, offering  mary and specialty care for pa-  United States.          JAMES D. LOCK
        seven residency programs of pa-  tients throughout rural Georgia.                      Associate chairman in the Dept. of
        tient care and clinical training   Amid  the  pandemic,  the   KRISTEN DAUSS           Psychiatry at Stanford University.
        at Grady Memorial Hospital.  expertise  of  physicians  and   Chief medical officer for the Indiana
          MSM, dedicated to creating  researchers has attracted mil-  Department of Correction.  BONNIE SIMPSON MASON
        and advancing health equity  lions of dollars in federal and                           VP of diversity and inclusion for the
                                                                                               Accreditation Council for Graduate
        among  underserved  popula-  corporate grant funding to en-  ANNE H. GAGLIOTI          Medical Education (ACGME).
        tions, has twice been named  sure adequate testing and to   Associate professor at MSM in the
        by a national study as the top  deliver critical information to   Department of Family Medicine.  MONIQUE C. SURLES ZEIGLER
        medical school for social mis-  communities hardest hit by the   JENNIFER HARPER       Researcher who completed a post-
        sion. Now MSM is garnering  pandemic. Millions more dollars   Stage, television, and film actress.   doctoral fellowship at Yale Univer-
        attention for its response to the  are also earmarked for critical                     sity.
        COVID-19 pandemic.          data gathering and analysis in   CARL HILL
          Already deeply familiar with  real-time research aimed at ad-  Senior vice president of scientific
        the chronic health issues that  vancing health equity in com-  engagement for the Alzheimer’s
        made its focal populations so  munities of color.       Association.

                                                                                                        AUCC MEMBER

        Founded in 1881 as the Atlanta  It also leads the nation in the   NOTABLE ALUMNI
        Baptist Female Seminary for  number of Black women who   STACEY ABRAMS                 JANINA JEFF
        Black  freedwomen,  Spelman  go on to earn doctorates in the   Politician, lawyer, author and voting   Human geneticist, educator and
        College is the nation’s oldest  sciences.               rights activist.               minority STEM activist.
        private historically Black liberal   Spelman is also widely known
        arts college for women. Hun-  for its Museum of Fine Art, the   ROSALIND BREWER        TAYARI JONES
        dreds of distinguished women  nation’s  only  museum  that   Chief operating officer and group   Author of An American Marriage,
        have graduated to have success-  emphasizes art created by and   president at Starbucks.  Silver Sparrow, and others.
        ful careers in the arts, literature,  about women of the African di-
        medicine and science, econom-  aspora. Its collection includes   PEARL CLEAGE          BERNICE KING
        ics and government.         photography, paintings, wood   Acclaimed writer and novelist.  Minister and youngest child of civil
                                                                                               rights leaders Martin Luther King
          Spelman educates more Gates  carvings  and  pottery  from   DR. LISA COOK            Jr. and Coretta Scott King.
        Millennium Scholars than any  throughout Africa as well as   Professor and member of the
        college or university in the na-  works  by  celebrated  African   Biden-Harris transition team.  DR. AUDREY FORBES MANLEY
        tion and is a leading producer of  American artists.                                   Acting U.S. surgeon general
        Fulbright Fellowship winners.                           MARIAN WRIGHT EDELMAN          (1995-1997) and Spelman’s first
        It is one of the nation’s leading                       Founder and president emerita of   alumna president.
        producers of Black female med-                          the Children’s Defense Fund.
        ical students and doctoral can-
        didates in science, technology,                         LATANYA RICHARDSON JACKSON
        engineering and mathematics.                            Actress and producer.

                                                                                                Morehouse School of Medicine  25

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