Page 5 - MSM Scholarships
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Scholarship Impact – Making Student Dreams A Reality
Student Profile • Talk about your experience
Brianna English – 3rd year M.D. Student so far at MSM?
My experience at Morehouse
• What first interested you in your program of School of Medicine has been
study? amazing, and I would have nev-
I was first interested in this program through an er guessed I would accomplish
externship I did in high school at Northside Hospital. so much in such a short time
Following that experience, I volunteered and shadowed span. I have grown tremendous-
at various practices which further grew my interest and ly in my self-confidence and
passion for medicine. leadership abilities. I am excit-
• Why did you choose Morehouse School of Medi- ed for what my future holds at
cine? What makes MSM special? MSM, and I plan to continue to challenge myself to grow
One of my passions and goals in life is to help increase as an individual and soon-to-be physician.
the number of minorities in STEM and medicine, and I • What do you hope to accomplish (career goals)
felt that I could best accomplish this by attending MSM. after graduation/residency?
The school is so special to me because of its commitment Following graduation, I hope to be starting a residency
to diversity in the healthcare field and advancing health in pediatrics, family medicine, or psychiatry. Currently,
equity. Many medical schools state this but do not exem- these are my top three specialty interests. Following res-
plify it through their actions. The family atmosphere is idency, I hope to work in a setting that is underserved or
felt as soon as you walk through the doors of the institu- mainly serves minority patients. I am most interested in
tion. I have never felt so comfortable in an academic en- working with the pediatric and young adult population.
vironment, and it has definitely helped with my success If I am in Atlanta, I would like to continue volunteering
thus far as a medical student. at the HEAL Clinic as an attending physician. I also have
• What is your greatest accomplishment? Have you interests in teaching through clinical preceptorship to
had any difficult challenges in your medical school help train upcoming medical students along their jour-
journey? ney.
My greatest accomplishment thus far is being select- • If you could say one thing to thank your scholar-
ed as a Co-Director for the Health Equity for All Lives ship supporters what would it be?
(HEAL) Clinic. The existence of the HEAL clinic was I would tell them thank you for encouraging and be-
one of the reasons why I wanted to come to MSM, and lieving in me. I would love the opportunity to meet the
I am beyond honored to now serve on the leadership donors personally to thank them and let them know how
team. their generous donation has impacted my life.
• Share how being a scholarship
recipient has had an impact on you? INVESTING IN THE FUTURE
It has given me a lot of confidence.
Knowing there was an organization
the supported my medical school “I would love to express my most sin-
journey contributed in my belief cere gratitude to the scholarship supporters
that I could succeed in the realm of
academics. It also provided me with of Morehouse School of Medicine for be-
the opportunity to volunteer at the lieving in me and deciding to support my
HEAL Clinic and sit in on a leadership journey and dreams of becoming a physi-
meeting, which I think played a large
role in me being selected as a co-di- cian. It is so motivating and gratifying to
rector. Personally, it has lifted some know that someone saw my potential and
of the anxiety I have about paying off
my loans after completing school. I was willing to invest in my education.”
am beyond grateful for the support I
receive in pursuing my dreams. – Steven A. Buckeridge,
3rd-year M.D. Student