Page 23 - Morehouse School of Medicine Magazine
P. 23
AUCC Timeline
1860 1860
1865 Atlanta University is founded (would later be
merged with Clark College to become Clark Atlanta
The Atlanta University Center University in 1988).
Consortium collaborates to 1867 Morehouse College is founded (originally named
manifest a shared vision for 1880 1880 Augusta Institute and located in Augusta, Georgia).
the future of historic West End. 1877 Clark College/University was founded (would later
be merged with Atlanta University to become Clark
Atlanta University in 1988).
join in a harmonious sound greater 1881 Spelman College is founded (originally named
than the individual parts, Atlanta’s Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary).
four historically Black colleges and
Luniversities have strengthened their 1912 Atlanta Federation of Schools (predecessor to the
collective and individual impact as the Atlanta Atlanta University Center Consortium) is organized
University Center Consortium (AUCC). 1920 by Atlanta University, Clark College, Morehouse
Through collaborative leadership and the College, Morris Brown College and Gammon
pooling of resources, the AUCC—made up of Theological Seminary.
Morehouse School of Medicine, Morehouse
College, Spelman College and Clark Atlan- 1929 Beginning of the AUC affiliation: Atlanta University,
ta University—advances each school’s civic Morehouse and Spelman Colleges sign the Articles of
goals and missions. The AUCC also works 1940 Affiliation.
with surrounding neighborhoods, external
partners and others, serving and advocating 1957 Clark College and Morris Brown College join AUC
for the community. affiliation.
Consortium leaders believe the area around
the more-than-century-old institutions could 1960 1959 International Theological Seminary joins AUC
be a vibrant “college town,” with retail, hous- affiliation.
ing and public schools. This evolution, in
turn, will benefit the surrounding community 1964 The affiliation is incorporated as AUC Inc.
through educational opportunity, financial and Replaced by the Atlanta University Center
economic stability, improvement of residents’ Consortium in 2004.
health and wellness and safe and affordable 1980
housing. 1969 AUC Career Planning and Placement Services is
By optimizing campus operations and bring- established as a centralized resource.
ing efficiencies to such areas as purchasing,
the AUCC can leverage group strength to 1969 Dual Degree Engineering Program is established.
save money and improve environmental sus- 2000
tainability. 1975 The School of Medicine at Morehouse College is
The AUCC is also becoming a catalyst for founded. Would become the independent Morehouse
improving life for its neighbors in the his- School of Medicine in 1981.
toric West End community, downtown and
the greater Atlanta area by encouraging en- 1983 Morehouse School of Medicine joins AUC affiliation.
gagement and volunteerism. Organizations 2020 2020
such as the Atlanta Community Food Bank,
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